SolaAqua - Whitelist Report: Elder Lang'kell nhon, spirit of the whitelist

SolaAqua - Whitelist Report: Elder Lang’kell nhon, spirit of the whitelist

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Todd “Ikea” Winton

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Elder Lang’kell nhon

What rule(s) were broken?:

spirit of the whitelist

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

I was a survivor, and we were having a pool party waiting for marines.One of our fellow survivors died, and we did not know marines landed, so we dressed them up in pool gear and put them in a chair. Elder Lang’kell comes along and says, ‘He is dying because you are idiots,’ 'He is dead, and ‘Good job.’. Then he starts punching the other survivor after he breaks his chest and goes into crit; he starts punching me. I pbed him after he broke my bone and then died right after. Then he drags me, starts decapitating my head, and gets decapitated.

would like to add we did not interact with Lang Kell prior to this, and it was out of their own free will to come and kill us.


All i have


Aside from you being very LRP both for deciding to play ball in a pool with the body of your dead comrade in the middle, and not reacting properly to my presence, I think you also forgot to mention you referencing real life memes and dare I say being racist by saying ‘pool’s closed’, which made me want to decapitate also Sergey, not just you. I’m not gonna argue for the racism thing by the way, just hearsay

Sadly all I got was this shadowplay and couldn’t get more footage of you making a fool of yourself


I’m denying this; you were LRP. If you have anything you’d like to say regarding the report, feel free to DM me or ping me (lampshade420).