sombrad - Whitelist Report: Benjamin, Synthetic Combat Restrictions

sombrad - Whitelist Report: Benjamin, Synthetic Combat Restrictions

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Lesser Drone 469

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:


What rule(s) were broken?:

Synthetic Combat Restrictions

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

In a Shivas round where someone had bred the spiders to cover the north half of the map, synth Benjamin dived deep inside the spider lands without any marine close and proceeded to bludgeon dozens of them on his own, eventually clearing the path for marines later on who killed the queen that was hiving beyond the spiders. As per guidelines:

"Synths are unable to perform active combat duties and will not perform combat specific orders, meaning they must not actively engage in combat unless in self preservation or in the defense of a USCMC Personnel. This would include telling a Synthetic unit to go capture something from the middle of an enemy base, or instructing a Synthetic to use flashbangs to daze CLF on the frontlines.

Synthetics will always follow a motto of ‘Seeking peace, but prepared for war’. A synthetic unit should attempt to avoid conflict, but if forced to defend one’s self, they will fight back. This aggressive behavior, however, is suppressed in large-scale engagements. Should a Synthetic Unit be present directly on the frontlines, additional self-preservation laws are activated to prevent the loss of the Synthetic Unit. These laws prevent a synthetic from actively attacking enemy combatants while stationed at the frontlines. During this time, the Synthetic Unit should be making it their priority to heal the wounded and drag others to safety. If a Synthetic Unit is actively assaulting or killing enemy forces in frontline engagements, they will be terminated and their parts salvaged for other unit repairs.

When engaged in combat, ensure the threat to yourself, other human colonists, and/or colony infrastructure ultimately disengages or is disabled however you may deem fit. You may proactively engage said threats at your discretion, but may not chase them to the point you are no longer observing preservation of self, other human colonists, and/or colony infrastructure. Once contact is made with members of a friendly response team (marines), you must adhere to the more restricted Gen 2/Gen 3 combat rules for the duration of the response team’s organized presence on the planet."


Unable to screenshot at the time, combat logs will back up. Tried to ask admins about how to get them but didn’t recieve a response before round end.


Good evening,

As lesser drone 469, you cannot make a report on behalf of NPCs, including spiders. Either the spiders or the ‘spider breeder’ will have to make a report. Therefore, the investigation will not proceed, and the report is denied.


Added report:denied, report:synth and removed report:pendinglogs