SortieEnMer - Commanding Officer Application

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Really like how you interact and roleplay with people, your character is actually memorable. +1.

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Unfortunately, I am going to have to -1 this application. I really did not want to as you are competent. Refusing to post your complete play times until a counselor asked leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It is concerning to me and begs the question “what else is going on here?”. I understand your reasoning but disagree with it.


I originally wasn’t gonna write a response to this application as I’ve grown to become pretty good friends with Dwight over the past few months and it would feel a bit ‘biased’ or ‘unfair’ to give my own input, but I’ve been reading this thread pretty consistently and noticed the majority of negative or “ehh” responses stem from the whole playtime issue.

I’ve played CM since around 2015 and was very active during 2020, logging a ton of hours when playtimes were introduced. I do believe my mentor app is somewhere in the old forums showcasing that. When I returned to the game, I found that virtually all of my marine hours were wiped alongside a huge chunk of my xeno hours.

Accusing someone of possibly being an alt over them not having as much hours as you want them to (or them being +1ed by another CO) feels petty considering Dwight passes all the required hours to apply. He is, by far, one of the single most competent and active XO players I’ve seen to date. The character he plays is very consistent in RP and very memorable for the time I’ve known him, managing to pull off a fun-to-engage-with persona w/ lots of unique quirks that are, at the same time, not ridiculous or over-the-top. On top of this, his strategies are very dynamic and not always copy+paste murderballs, he doesn’t insta deploy first couple drops - or at all, from my experience (a drastic problem that past COs or XOs have had), he actively communicates with every squad including IOs and the like, and he feels like a genuine, well thought out character when roleplaying with him.

So what’s the issue? Is it that there’s some secret shadow hour requirement he isn’t meeting? Is it that he was reluctant to show playtimes that weren’t relevant to the application? I can’t tell. In my most honest opinion, I think that Dwight is a perfect candidate for the whitelist. As someone who doesn’t play command roles but DOES play SL, FTL, and other squad roles, I can confidently say that I never feel as in-touch with command as I do when Dwight is XOing.

With the most recent reply, “I did not want to -1 your application and you are competent, BUUUUT not showing your (post-wipe) playtimes?? -1”, I find it baffling how anyone can hold such an unrelated part of the application to such a high standard (I.E. -1ing the entire app over it) unless you unironically think “Something else is in the works here!!”

TLDR: Dwight is incredibly competent, a great XO, an even better roleplayer, and one of the reasons I bother playing marine nowadays. He passes the playtime requirement and I am yet to see any genuine negative criticism about his character or skills as a Commander.

I’m probably one of the first people to bug him to apply for CO, and my opinion of him has only gotten better since then. It’s a very well deserved +1 from me.

btw dwight… you cant frag :3

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+1, Captain Morrison is always a delight to SO or SL under (I have at least a dozen ops in the last month with Morrison, our playtimes line up i think). He takes your word unless you make him think he shouldn’t. As well as in turn you can rely on him to facilitate what you need done.

Most importantly imo, Morrison is an observant delegator. He rarely does what ought to be done by someone else, which is nice to me because I enjoy being a busy body SO.

Edit: Ammending to say that I have noticed some LRP situations as an enlisted marine along side Morrison, nothing I thought was severe but things that could have been deescalated if they had wanted to. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, you know?

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Dwight seems like a pretty competent-enough XO when I’ve been under their command. Whilst I can’t really say much about their RP, I can say that they distribute information and supply marines with much needed call-outs effectively, and I have no doubt that they’ll be proficient at running CIC as a CO.

I have to agree with others on the fact that issuing a -1 revolving primarily on the issue of being reluctant to post playtimes instead of basing it on their character’s competence and ability to play the role in-game seems shallow and unreasonably harsh to me. I think this playtimes hours thing has been blown out of proportion, and is hogging an undeserved amount of attention on this application.

+1 from me.

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Hey Dwight! While I didn’t get my feedback to you in time when you sent me your draft of an app, I did like what I saw then and I like what I see now. I do have a small bit of feedback for you and a couple of questions that I’d appreciate a response to. As always, I am not on the CO Council so don’t feel pressured to reply.

It is certainly true that an SG or Spec is a more likely candidate for a pardon than most other marines, but that is for a good reason. Why would you risk getting brigged by pardoning a PFC when they are realistically not going to have a major game impact like that of an SG or Spec? While it’s good to recognize that NO pardon should be handed out indiscriminately, it’s also important to recognize why some roles are prioritized over others.

As for the questions:

  1. At some point in the round you ordered the arrest of the CMO on charges that your CMP vehemently disagreed with, resulting in an argument breaking out between the two of you. Your CMP ultimately complies with the ordered arrest but continues to voice their displeasure with the situation. About 20 minutes later into the round the CMP walks into CIC and informs you that they are arresting you for Prevarication and False Testimony. How do you react and what do you do?
  2. One of your Intelligence Officers is ferrying intel back and forth between the hangar and the computer lab when they notice some strange noises coming from the Corporate Liaison’s office. The IO quickly discovers that the CL has kidnapped a Rifleman and is attempting to infect them with a Xenomorph Larva, so they break in and shoot the CL. At this point they call the MPs over comms and inform them of the situation, at which point both the CL and IO are arrested – the IO being arrested for Murder and Failure to Follow Procedure. How do you proceed?
  3. You’ve deployed to the surface to command your marines from the frontline, leaving the XO behind to manage CIC in your absence (OB Coords, Supply Drops, Assigning SL, etc.). While commanding you notice that the XO has begun to spend intel points on increasing the Requisitions and CAS budget–all without consulting you–so you tell them not to do so again. The XO responds by saying they are the aCO as you abandoned your post when you deployed to the frontline, insisting that they no longer have to follow your orders or consult you on anything. What’s your next move?
  4. You’re sitting in CIC observing the frontline via the TacMap, everything is going swimmingly and the Xenos are being repeatedly pushed back, when suddenly a torrent of messages come over command comms from Bravo’s SL, an IO, and the Combat Correspondent. Bravo SL is complaining that the IO and CC are interfering with their ability to build a FOB while the IO and CC are saying something along the lines of, “This is the worst FOB I have ever seen.” Your Synth chimes in to agree with the IO and CC that the FOB needs a complete redesign. What actions do you take to solve the situation?

Edit: Fixed grammar

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#1: Given the fact that the CMO would be under an officer ordered arrest, the CMP immediately should know better than to debate vehemently over it. If there’s nuance to the situation that I had not yet been made aware of that the CMP could relay to me, I would be happy to listen to that, but direct arguing would be out of line for the CMP.

Regardless, if this scenario had played out:
The CMP would not be authorized to arrest me without explicit authorization via fax from the Provost.

If he refused to present the proper fax as such, he has broken ML as a CMP, and I would submit an a-help about that, as it’s also an OOC issue.

My IC reaction would depend upon my current circumstances (alone, or in CIC? et cetera), as well as his intentions. If he is giving me the chance to respond, I will inform him that his attempted arrest would be a violation of ML without a Provost fax, which he would incur, at minimum, prevarication charge (in the context of arrest without orders from HC), and an NoD charge for violating ML as an MP, to be demoted after his sentence, or at maximum, sedition for attempting to illegally overthrow me from command, which I would order the MPs to carry out.

If his intention is to, instead, move straight to subduing me with stun equipment and cuffing me, after it is known 100% that he was not authorized by the Provost - OR, there are no officers that are able to detain him, for whatever reason, he would be battlefield executed for attempting to illegally over-throw my command.

#2: The actions I take for this would depend on if the IO had already been processed into custody or not.

If he’s still merely detained, but not sentenced, I would order the MPs to downgrade or drop the Murder charge. His killing of the CL was a vicarious defense against the CL committing the capital crime of Crimes Against Humanity, there was no malicious intent to this, akin to a marine gunning down another rogue marine who had set up an M2C in the req line to mass frag. The Failure to Follow Procedure charge would likely stand, given he was not authorized to be the enforcer of any law, (though perhaps he was unable to alert the MPs without the CL catching on…) and perhaps I would consider a cancelled arrest pardon of that charge based on if the MPs were insistent on pressing that minor charge or not.

If he was already sentenced and his report included Murder, I would not be able to pardon him out-right without a fax. However, I would be able to answer his appeal, which would allow me to work his charges down to something more reasonable.

#3: Given that the XO is obviously incorrect, and now must be dealt with,

My first move would be to phone the CMP or the Brig (I most likely would have an RTO bag if I was deployed). A rogue XO could very easily drive the operation off the rails if inflamed out of spite. I’d inform the MPs that the XO would need to be detained discreetly. Given how close brig is to the CIC, and depending on how staffed the MPs are and how competent they are, this would go relatively smoothly.

However, if for any reason, the scenario of the round would mean that I would be unable to have MPs take care of the XO ship-side, if he was set on ‘cutting me out’ of command, I would avoid antagonizing him over radio while I made my way back to the CIC to BE him ASAP, and either remain in CIC afterward, or delegate amongst the remaining command staff if it is absolutely necessary for my re-deployment, and they are competent and staffed enough.

#4: Given that the synthetic unit would be the most informed and skilled by far in regards to engineering and fortification optimization, I would take their word for it for the most part, though I would try to peak the FoB myself over helmet cams to corroborate. If the Bravo lead indeed constructed a disaster of an FoB, I would directly order him to subordinate matters of construction to the Synthetic, CE, etc at the FoB and have him aid them in re-arrangement, as well as enlisting Bravo ComTechs, or anyone who could aid near-by to fix the mess (the longer the FoB stays a clusterfuck, the more likely someone notices and it becomes a problem).

As for the IO and CC, given that their interference might be considered a neutral or even a positive factor for the operation (avoiding wasting time spent deconning, time spent walking in a maze, potential loss of materials), I would not be eager to punish them for this (within reason… they shouldn’t be gunning the Bravo SL down or anything), but I would order them directly to return to matters of their concern while those entrusted with engineering can handle the rebuild.

This is the first time I am commenting on a CO application and I am not sure if it will be taken into consideration, but I think I have something to say. Anyway, first of all, I think Dwight Morrison is a very good roleplayer and able to play the role correctly. This is I think most important.

I agree with the post mentioning kinda dull tactics used by you, but as far as I know to become a CO you don’t need to be a skilled commander, you need to be able to roleplay as a CO, regardless of your actual skill. But I also wish to see more effort from you, you do kinda get bored from time to time and just play on autopilot.

Your attitude about your playtimes bothered me, I don’t agree that it’s not a big deal. As a future WL holder you need to be cooperative and open, stubbornness and arrogance are not something community should welcome. So I hope you’ll change your attitude.

I am not going to +1 or -1 at the moment, I hope to see your character in-game more, hopefully taking the criticism into account.


I’m +1 and not giving a big lecture. Solid guy and his hours have convinced me he’s not an alt.

His argument for not wanting to give hours to be judged was fine even if it was posted in a way most don’t agree. Real life comes before CM, you’re not being judged on hours, trust me. I wanted it for me personally because of the CO alt doubt, if someone judges you off hours, they’re doing a shit job.

I will lecture the idiots who think their opinion means something when they don’t bother to read

Those of you thinking you’re helping argue for him, you’re not. You’re hurting his chances by doing wild ahh arguments and drawing attention to a stain and what seems to be a misunderstanding of why hours were requested. It’s not deep, focus on the applicant instead of giving your opinion on hours. To be clear, no one really cares on your take. This app is about him, not your opinion on a situation you’re not involved with.

If you wanna reach out over DMs Sortie, so I can explain the alt situation and put your mind to rest, it’s always open but again I’m not a councillor so my opinion doesn’t mean much.

Good luck superstar


With your answers here and everything I’ve seen from you in-game (and discord) I’m happy to give you a +1. One that should’ve come sooner had a storm not knocked out my power for the last 30 hours.

Remember to keep playing XO and try branching out a bit, test out some new battle-plans or strategies, dchat salt be damned.

Lastly, there is nothing wrong with having low hours in non-command roles. When I applied I hadn’t even had survivor unlocked (nor a single hour in engineering or medical). You’re not being judged on how well you can play req, how quickly you can remove a larva, nor how well you can cade a FOB.

I hope to see you at the next Chinook meeting, godspeed!

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After some consideration I’ve decided to pull my +1 here. After observing some of your OOC behavior both in game and in discord I don’t feel entirely comfortable offering you my support for the WL, I hope you understand.

Hey there!

Generally, it is not my habit to write -1 under the applications in order not to demoralize applicants. If I do not have anything good to say, I prefer not to say anything. Alright so, in order not to affect this application, I refrained from making any comments, both among fellow COs and under this application at first because I had no idea about you. However, some of the incidents I observed recently while you were playing XO and your constant association with multikeyers, racist they even confirmed that they’re racist and toxic players made me quite worried about this application.

This application has already passed that is this player a competent command player and a good roleplayer? stage in my opinion. Your app and your answers to fellow COs’ questions sounded a little off from the beginning, but recent events have now led me to make a comment.

I can’t read the Council’s mind, but as a CO wl holder, I think that a person who is associated with such events and is constantly associated with people I mentioned above should not be on the CO whitelist at all. It is known that players who apply for CO wl improve some of their characteristics and become better during the application process and got accepted eventually, but in this application the opposite is happening. -1

What racists and toxic players do I associate with? I have taken part in nothing of that sort.


Sorry for the enormous delay, holidays have kept us busy and the application has sat unvoted for quite some time as a result. But now that we’ve gotten some time to get together and decide before the New Year rolls around, here’s what the CO Council has to say.

Overall the Council feels that you’ve properly demonstrated the qualities we look for in COs - competence, roleplay ability, leadership talent, and character. Councilors were unable to see you perform properly until late in this application period, due to scheduling problems, and we were satisfied at what we saw by then. In the end we’ve decided to accept this application and grant your promotion.

We’ll be messaging you for some additional concerns some of us have after this application’s accepted, though it’s nothing disqualifying.

Happy New Year, Major Morrison. Welcome to the CO whitelist!

Added co:approved