Sospe03 - Player Report: Synthetic Nathan., Combat Synth

Sospe03 - Player Report: Synthetic Nathan., Synthetics are forbidden from firing any weapons, including direct fire emplacements (M56Ds) and indirect weaponry, such as CAS, the M402 Mortar, and OBs. However, they are not opposed to other humans harming/killing others provided it follows Marine Law. If there is a threat within the bounds of Marine Law, they can physically defend themselves or other innocents by subduing the threat non-lethally.

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Samir Samir.

Accused BYOND key:

How do you expect me to know that?

Accused character name:

Synthetic Nathan.

What rule(s) were broken?:

Synthetics are forbidden from firing any weapons, including direct fire emplacements (M56Ds) and indirect weaponry, such as CAS, the M402 Mortar, and OBs. However, they are not opposed to other humans harming/killing others provided it follows Marine Law. If there is a threat within the bounds of Marine Law, they can physically defend themselves or other innocents by subduing the threat non-lethally.

Description of the incident:

Just read the evidence. I would like to add the synth Nathan was getting mortar coords, indirect fire as well.

At first I was not thinking on doing the report, since it’s well know councils are just mutual sucking cock places, consciously or unconsciously. But due to have five witnesses, plus me, I think there is evidence enough. Carrying a sentry and getting mortar coords it’s not just a mistake.

I don’t know if it was a ship synth or a synthvivor. But as I’m aware, once marines land and acquire the synth, it becomes another ship synth.


Witness 1: DEAD: Rozu ‘Nasu’ Ishina (F) says, “uuh- once marine lands colony synths have to chill on combat”
DEAD: Rozu ‘Nasu’ Ishina (F) says, “You should report it, if you think it was unfair. Personally I dont think a synth should carry a turret to fight wityh.”
Witness 2: DEAD: Elder Praetorian (EY-385-ES) (F) says, “and the synth is carrying it around so yeah I’d say it’s reportable”
Witness 3: DEAD: Arthur Ortega (F) says, “Synth became dirty and dirty”
Witness 4: DEAD: Prime Lurker (BUT-37) (F) says, “they’re just going to ignore any report because “the synth wasnt the one shooting, it was the sentry””
Witness 5: DEAD: Prime Lurker (KO-268-BA) (F) says, “well then it’s 1000% combat synthing”

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Hey, so, this report is getting dropped on the basis of ‘since it’s well know councils are just mutual sucking cock places’. I don’t think I need to explain why this isn’t acceptable to say. There is also an ongoing report for this same issue already.

Resolved - Denied, report already exists and this report is in violation of subforum rule: 1. Be respectful at ALL TIMES. You may be angry about the situation, but you need to remain CALM AND COMPOSED.


Added report:denied and removed report:pendinglogs