Spypig23 - Staff Report: Violation of Event Protocols - Frozentsbgg

Spypig23 - Staff Report: Violation of Event Protocols - Frozentsbgg

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Katrina ‘Katya’ Hayes

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Violation of Event Protocols

Description of the incident:

During a round of CM last night in which I was the CO on Kutjevo Refinery, I was forced to carry out a BE on the shipside CL in response to their attempts to kill both myself, and my Executive Officer Hadrianna Greywood not even 10 minutes after we had woken from Cryo at roundstart.

The CL, Executive Alexsander Johanson, whom I initially intended to player report before learning of Frozens involvement in the situation, attempted to trick me into drinking what I am almost certain was Cyanide laced Coffee, and successfully fed the same cup of Coffee to my XO mere minutes after I refused to drink it.

From what I have been told after two ahelps after the fact, I now know that this double attempted murder from the CL on both members of Bridge staff (it was only me and Hades running the operation at the time) before either of us had even had the chance to run a briefing, was a Frozen sponsored ‘major event’.

I believe Frozen, in their organization of this miscarried event, breached their own event protocols in failing to setup a reasonable storyline, with clear buildup, and plausible character motivations therein.

“A major event may have a noticeable impact on the flow and/or balance of the round. Major events may fall outside the scope of lore, or shift tone, but should still include a clear set-up and story, and should still be plausible within the setting you are creating for the event”

I do not believe the CL attempting to feed Cyanide to the CO, and then the XO 10 minutes into the operation with no warning, no buildup, and no plausible motivations, is an acceptable example of a ‘major event’

I will now run over the event from my point of view in its entirety, with evidence attached.

My first interaction with the CL occurred at XX:10, 5 minutes after roundstart.
They walked onto the Bridge, and responded to my saying ‘good morning’ by placing a Coffee on the map table in front of me. I expressed suspicion at their offer, and jokingly said I ‘prefer my smokes’, at which point they INSISTED that I drink their Coffee. I smelt a rat, and considering how the CL was so laser-focused on my drinking the Coffee, rather than discussing the state of Kutjevo Refinery, I politely refused to drink any.

After my refusal to drink their Coffee, they almost immediately left the Bridge, and were apparently uninterested in any other RP beyond a few words, taking their Coffee with them.

4 minutes after this, at XX:15, I receive a Comms message from XO Hadrianna Greywood (who was running Req at the time) saying that they were handed a Coffee from the CL (who expressly entered Req to give it to them) and tasted Cyanide.

I ordered them to Medbay for a scan and dialysis (carried out and witnessed by the CC), which confirmed the presence of Cyanide in their system, in lethal amounts.

60 seconds following Hadriannas poisoning, at XX:16, I arrived at the CLs office and demanded they explain their actions. Keep in mind, this is my second interaction with the CL all round

Hadrianna arrived at the Office a few moments after me, and confirmed that it was the CLs cup of Coffee that they were poisoned from.

I then executed the CL, of which I have attached our exchange below

As well as my BE announcement

After my BE announcement, I ran Briefing without incident. But, if the CL were to have succesfully poisoned myself or Hadrianna (without the CC saving her life), I would have missed briefing, and the operation would be without leadership.

After the round concluded, I made two ahelps to SeezyJatz for clarification regarding the circumstances of the CLs actions, suspecting Admin involvement.

I was informed that the CL poisoning Command staff at roundstart with no warning, no buildup, and no plausible motivations, was in fact a major ‘event’ authorised by Frozen

Quote: “TELEPHONE: Frozentsbgg/(Landyn Olphert) on Phone ‘Corporate Collect Call Interchange’ to ‘CL Office’ said: ‘Eliminate Captain Hadrianna ‘Hades’ Greywood.’

As well as this, I noticed the CL in OOC expressing confusion as to why Frozen ordered them to kill Command staff (the XO and CO).

While I was not explicitly meant to be be part of the ‘event’ I feel entitled to file this report given the fact I am almost CERTAIN that the same cup of Coffee repeatedly and insistently offered to me in CIC was the very same given to Hades 4 minutes later in Req which contained a lethal dose of Cyanide, meaning an attempt was made on my life.

I will once again reiterate that the CL attempting to kill the CO and XO upon their first interactions with both at ROUND START with no warning, nor plausible motivations is incredibly LRP, and stands in direct violation of the major event protocols as written by Frozen themself.

I am extremely disappointed that I was forced to remove the CL from the round thanks to Frozens event, and the gutter that the rounds shipside RP was left in following their simple orders to ‘kill the CO and XO’ as part of a ‘major event’.

The Host should set a standard of behaviour to the community by acting as a champion of their own rules, not by using their position to fly in the face of them. I am upset by the events of last night, and the unfortunate situations both Hades, myself, and the CL were placed in because of it.


Evidence attached in the above section, in the form of linked screenshots

I also have the entire round recorded, should more be required


As an addendum, for claritys sake, I’d also like to request the logs of any and all IC communications between the event runner (Frozen) and the CL


Hello, I had some participation in this round’s events. I was observing (elsewhere) when I saw that the CL had died in their office. I wasn’t there to see the previous events or buildup to it, but it was apparently a BE for something the CL had done. Shortly after, there was an ERT created for “protestors” in support of the CL. I joined this ERT thinking I would arrive on some sort of ERT ship and be able to have RP opportunities. However, I and another person were spawned on the colony south of LZ1 (me being spawned as a human rights observer). I was a bit confused by the situation/spawn location, and we were rapidly approached by xenos. I tried RPing but the other person and I were quickly capped.

I thought the ERT spawn could have been executed a little better; I’m not sure who was responsible for it. I was a bit disappointed due to having given up my first spot in larva queue to join it, but it wasn’t really that big of a deal.

I’m not sure how much this information helps, but I didn’t see any mention of it so far so I thought it would be worth including.



I’m the player behind Hadrianna ‘Hades’ Greywood and I was the captain that was poisoned during that round. I’ll offer my side of the story of how the events went. I went to sort out requisitions as per the demand of the marines, since this incident happened during low pop hours when we barely had enough staff to cover cargo. But during my time in req, I was notified that the ASO would be coming to take over my place in req by Major Hayes and I was to report to CIC immediately when I was relieved of req duties.

The moment the ASO replaced me and I stepped out of req, I was greeted by the CL who offered me a cup of coffee. When I drank it, I realised too late that I received chat logs notifying me with the following: ‘I taste cyanide’.

I passed out shortly after and I would have died if the combat Correspondence was not there to save me.

This entire chain of events happened before we could hold a briefing for the marines. Both Hayes and I did not even had the time to discuss our plans for the operation before the CL started attempting to assassinate us. Should he have succeeded in killing us both, the marines would have been further delayed from deployment which could have unfairly impacted our round, especially given that we were operating with low pop numbers. I can also confirm that there was no attempt to initiate a suitable roleplay buildup from the CL nor a notification from the staff that there would be an event.


So I’d like to address 2 things regarding this report publicly:
Firstly, I was frustrated as you were when the CL took his eliminate orders, and proceeded to b-line straight for the CIC with cyanide in hand. Not exactly subtle nor creative, and not much of a surprise when he was shortly caught, having decided himself to go after greywood. I voiced this pretty vocally in discord and in dsay.

Secondly, I must ask, but was a battlefield execution really the best option against an unarmed CL who you were “talking” to in their office? You claim that “(I would) have missed briefing, and the operation would be without leadership”. I’m not sure I agree with that decision, especially when the CL was mid typing when you blew their brains out.


Hi there Frozen, I appreciate you taking the time to engage with this report, even if you didn’t technically have to.

I’ll stage my response in separated parts for readibilitys sake.

1. Firstly, I was frustrated as you were

To put it quite plainly here, what exactly was the CL meant to do with the orders that were given?

In my opinion, there are only a few ways to interpret “kill Hades”.

To be honest, it would have been well within the scope of the event for the CL to arrive on the Bridge guns blazing, and I think their decision to at least try and be deceptive with their murder weapon was an attempt to make the best of a bad situation.

In the defence of the CL, there was quite literally zero reason IC for them to want to kill either myself or Hades, and I think expecting them to insert RP into a event that objectively was dead on arrival was a lot to ask.

They had no character motivations to act in the manner in which you ordered them to, and it showed.

2. Was a battlefield execution really the best option

This is my 8th year playing CM, in that time, I have accrued 642.1 hours on the Bridge, 211.3 of which are on the role of Commanding Officer.

Despite this, I can still count the amount of BE’s I have been forced to carry out on a single hand.

In fact, if I were to have had the same Mateba throughout my entire CO career, I could have carried out every BE including this one, without having to reload, and still have a bullet to spare.

So when you ask:

I can confidently say, yes, without question.

At the time the CL was given the kill orders, we were not even 10 minutes into the round, and two people composed the entirety of of Command staff, that being myself and Hades.

Until the ASO woke, we had to run the entire operation, the Req department, load the OB, set AA, plan and run a briefing, AND deal with a CL actively attempting to murder the both of us for literally no reason.

The CL, in their actions, commited Sedition, and two counts of attempted murder, against two thirds of all active command staff (after the ASO woke up).

When I went to the CLs office, I had no MPs, an XO in critical condition, an ASO handling Req, 35 Marines in the Briefing hall waiting for me, and no intention to negotiate.

In any other situation, I would have 100% given the CL the chance to RP their arrest, and haul them off to Perma for a long, drawn out, and dramatic appeal process. However, at the point I was standing outside the CLs office, they had made ZERO attempt to RP in a realistic or believable manner, hence why I responded in kind.

As well as ML, COs have the right to carry out BEs on the basis of OOC rule breaks, INCLUDING LRP.

The CL had easily broken rule 10 twice over in regards to their use of Cyanide with no IC motivations to do so, and for all I knew, this player was attempting to grief my operation by disabling Marine leadership pre-deployment.

So yes, I believe my usage of a BE was more than valid given the circumstances of the event.

While the CL did act in a manner that went against ML and the server rules, its important to remember that the root of this LRP was your event orders to simply ‘kill Captain Greywood’, and there was only so much the CL could do to make reason out of unreasonable orders.

This whole situation was extremely unfortunate, and I think all players in the round did the best with the limited tools they had available to them. That being said, your fault or not, since the CLs murder spree was staged during your event, the responsibility is lifted onto your shoulders.

As I said to you in DMs, I harbor no ill-will towards you personally.

But I also dont want the validity of my actions called into question, when I had to bare the weight of saving a sinking ship, with 65 players online, and a CL trying to kill me.

My BE was valid, I didn’t regret it then, I dont regret it now, and I wouldn’t think twice about it in future.


Hi Frozen,

I’m glad that we were able to open up a discussion over this as it gives both sides the opportunity to reach a mutually agreeable compromise and understanding. While I do not have any hard feelings for you, this was unfortunately not the first time that I was killed by a CL with little to no RP, and from what I understand, there are several other players who have shared similar experiences as well.

There was another round that occurred sometime last year where I was ambushed by PMC’s and the CL, and subsequently killed in order to ‘replace command of Almayer’. This event occurred right after ARES announced the beginning of hijack and I was informed that this was a common result of your event.

I understand that there may be many facets that could go wrong during the course of an event and that it might not even be easy to ensure that everything goes well. I admit that I have little to no experience as a server staff to understand the complications that could occur. However, I also believe that any events that are hosted by staff should set clear boundaries that facilitate and encourage roleplay as outlined in our server’s rule 2 roleplay standards, especially if such events can cause major disruptions by impacting core personnel such as the command staff. If such precautionary measures can’t be reasonably attained then, as an alternative, I would like to request open and honest communication with the players involved by giving us ample warning of what is to come, so that we can at the very least work out a suitable roleplay with the antagonist rather than be blindsided by our sudden death.


Apologies for the lengthy delay here.
I will be speaking with Frozen in regards to events that revolve around assassinations and when this is appropriate/how it should be done.