Squad Tracker Update

Howdy Yall,

While I think the squad tracker we have now is pretty great I think it could use an update. The main idea is to give it something to point at for SLs other than the FOB.

Couple Ideas

  1. SL can set their tracker to other Squad SL.
  2. SL can set their tracker to XO/CO or SOs if yall would rather that instead.
  3. Basically make it function similar to Synth Trackers.

Why its good?

  1. Makes coordination as a marine a bit easier as the SLs will hopefully get lost less.
  2. Makes following the XO/CO into combat possible as now its so hard to find them if they aren’t on your screen.
  3. Makes the SL a little more valuable as they can be utilized to locate other squads.

Shout out to the Meme Lord Atticus for the inspiration.

Thanks for the quick Reid. :slight_smile:
hehe, I’m dumb.


Expands Squad Lead tracking list by Nihisohel · Pull Request #7129 · cmss13-devs/cmss13 (github.com)


Don’t blame me! haha

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