Didn’t even get to the 60 message marker before the thread was derailed by Weyland-Yutani Agents.
Can some admin do an in-game poll about this on highpop already?
The irony of saying we can just talk to them if we want but the whole time you’ve effectively argued against us who just wanted more transparency is also wild btw
I don’t disagree that talking to managment is clearly a route many are choosing to forego but I struggle to see how private individual conversations amounts to “community transparency”. My understanding is that it’s a question of open and visible discussion among the community not 1 to 1 convos with staff. As it stands all the current discussion and drama is taking place afer the fact rather than before it, if there was a period of discussion on a potential change then at least there’d be less of a feeling of arbitrariness about the decision making process.
i think it already has lol
I just got here man.
Welcome to the camp, I know why you all are here.
Honestly there are a couple “bad faith” actors that hop into any thread like this and instantly play devils advocate. It’s exhausting how everyone just has to tolerate it. Everyone knows and no one wants to say. Can we just poll these changes so these champions of morality/paragons of virtue can see that most of us just wanna play a cool game, shoot bugs, and don’t care?
I said it to one party and now I’ll say it to the other. Please disagree with each other respectfully. Management can be a bunch of janny trash, but please be nice to each other. There’s only like MAYBE 300 people total who give a single shit about this community, let’s please show a little respect to one-another.
Biolock, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to engage with this post. I recognize you have been a part of this community with interruption for a significantly longer period than me. It takes a good man to engage like this. You have my utmost thanks.
Yeah. Jesus fucking Christ, let’s just put an end to this “no popular support” and “vocal minority” thing.
Just do a series of highpop polls throughout a day, average the results, boom. We have a sample poll representative of the community as a whole.
Given that reports aren’t like notes and they’re typically a public affair it is a bit weird.
I assume there’s a reason for it though.
I honestly think its because of how much of a ballache it is to post them in a good format.
It’s because it takes infinitely longer to format them and strip them of all sensitive information (IPs, CIDs, Ckey-Character connections) so that they can be viewed publicly than it is to review them directly in our logs. It’s also not remarkably useful for the actual reviewer who will need to go back into the logs and verify information that was stripped.
Bio I wanna say a good bunch of us see your point and hear you but I have to play devil’s advocate here and ask.
While this helps staff it as a effect is a move away from transparency that people would like to have. As long as I have been here logs being posted have been a part of the reporting processes. Not doing this will leave people wondering what happened in logs, things that were really said by X person or Y person, etc etc.
This is all coming after management tried to ban “deltard” and against well huge backlash the banning of it was undone. My point being this looks to be also coming at a wrong time, given the recent month or so drama we as a community have all been through, some more then others and well they are gonna be people that are really gonna fight back against this IMHO. I for one really hope we dont all lose our marbles any more but again there will be people that come after this decision.
You have told us why this is happening and again thank you for that, but I would like to ask not just for myself but for others, how are staff and you going to try convince and or assure this is not the intent behind all this. People will be wondering and I feel atleast they are owed that much.
Thank you for your time.
Maybe I just find it boring and skip over it besides reading the admin summary of it but does anyone actually read the logs when theyre posted? theyre usually stupid long and have so much irrelevant info/is just stuff thats already in the standard report. Like im not trying to fight against the crowd but is it something people actually care about?
Only when its funny. Ive gotten dms from people who enjoy the logs in some of the reports ive been in
If the actual report looks drama enough, I usually read them, they can be quite funny. (and yes, you are trying to fight against the crowd)