Staff Transparency and The current direction of this server

Okay I think Staff needs to let the community in on how decisions are made regarding bans or policy changes because it seems like anytime a change is made whether it be deltard from a week ago or tech webs or to a lesser extent the bone gel PR. Staff have shown to be highly resistant to the community feedback. looking back on the past week with penpusher and again the deltard the best way to avoid all the crap drama is to just to lay it all out ahead of time. Staff does a good job of telling the community things but not showing them a why. and I think alexguinea’s idea of community meetings would help bridge the gap between the community and management.

Second thing from some of the responses of staff towards the aforementioned topics definitely enforces the idea of an us verses them dynamic. If certain members of staff are either burnt out or simply don’t have them time to dedicate to the server it would better for the community if they stepped down and let someone else take the reins passions change and people get tired of certain things

Just wanted to add good job you all on keeping it civil in here and thank you frozen, biolock and steelpoint and the other staff members for speaking in this thread it’s nice to know that you all hear our opinions


100% agreed, especially the latter paragraph.

Its just unfortunate this topic wont be viewed by managers (im baiting) but lets be real. Staff shouldnt be some shadow government with top secret secrets.

All I want to know is the direction the game is going cause it feels like everything is on a back burner with a poorly lit fire to keep things running barely surviving cause new players keep showing interest or veteran players tolerating everything because the game is genuinely fun at times.

Last tidbit, I find it dumb as hell to tell people to go start their own CM13 server. Management, you guys pay for the server why the hell would you drive away your playerbase by saying that wth :sob:


Now I ain’t here to get accused of being “combative” as I was banned from the forums over a tongue-in-cheek post about them locking all the last threads but I will point out that a lot of people said a lot of very relevant and constructive things. The drama that unfolded wasn’t all spiteful with zero direction.

I don’t know what happens in the Discord cuz I’m not there anymore but from what I can see on the forums and through friends there were no genuine attempts from those being criticised to engage with the criticism and work alongside the community to best represent it. The threads were left to devolve into chaos and then locked without further comment.

One thing I personally found sickening was the response that we should get lost and start our own CM server. SS13 itself is a very niche game, and our server is a niche within that niche and it feels like those in charge are happy to push out almost anyone which only harms us in the long run, we’ve lost a lot of very passionate people over very silly things.

It’d be nice to see some things maybe get acknowledged and perhaps get a statement from relevant parties.


even with the last one, the announcement wasn’t even the ban, it was announcing there was a 2 week grace period towards the word prior to the ban. this still lead to frozen getting doxxed because of people baby raging over ‘muh slurs freedom’s peach!!!’ screaming in the discord about CM going woke and how all management is pedophiles and a lot of vaguing about management being creeps. The doxxing subsequently led to a lot less community interaction about anything because managers were way more worried about the doxxing versus anything else which management was very vocal about.

Im not saying that management couldn’t be doing a much better job about communication, I have been a large proponent of it, but I do not think using this example is a good one at all because it really showed how awful and toxic the CM community can get and really makes me question ‘why would a manager want to interact with this community when this is the community’

also final bit, while its not the best response, starting your own CM server is not hard at all. hosting is the hardest bit but the codebase is public and there are a bunch of guides on many wiki’s about hosting.


I go to be as nice as I can be to you. You are clearly not a long term member of this community and it shows.

Maybe I am not either, hell I only joined in August 2021. Man how time kicking alien ass flies.

People were rightfully pissed off when without notice the term Deltard was going to be banned. Unlike saying Simple Jack, no notice was given. That is a failure of communication. Myself and others took a stand and firmly but respectfully voiced our opposition to that change. Thankfully, reason was respected and the change rescinded.

Unfortunately, Frozen was doxxed. My opinions on that are well documented. Thankfully the douche canoe was placed in a cannon and ejected from our community Wiley E. Coyote style.

All people are asking to explain reasoning. That is not an unreasonable ask.

Let me ask you an honest question, how would you feel if you were told “Hey, this change you do not like, well, too bad, go leave”?

Take a second a place yourself in the other parties shoes.


It’s kindof funny how mad people still are at staff as a whole about deltard when (to my knowledge) it literally wasn’t ever actually banned and was entirely just grim saying that he thought it would fall under the r-word ban.


I understand a lot of the frustration behind changes that are seemingly instiuted wholly from the top-down, but management is not the illuminati, we’re one layer of the staff team, and we regularly disagree with each other about many things. We’re not a monolithic conglomerate of like-minded individuals and much of the discussion that goes on in management chatter is bottom-up. The example of the r-slur is a decent case: the topic first arose because players brought it to the attention of staff, then is became a point of discussion for months within staff chat, dating back to I think October of last year. That topic, in-particular, has been brought up to management twice since I’ve been on the staff team (about six months), and was rejected the first time but accepted the second. Some of the managers disagreed with the banning of the word, while others argued that it should continue to be an acceptable word; the reasons for its ban seemingly out-weighed the reasons for its inclusion.

The point I’m trying to make is two-fold: there is a process by which decisions get made, even if it’s not clearly articulated, and not each and every manager is in favor of every change made, with some things being hotly-contested issues.


Thats completely fair but the player base doesn’t know what staff is thinking, with Grim just posting randomly saying that deltard and the R word was banned was very poor communication and lead to a bunch of avoidable drama had Staff communicated to the player base that they were looking into banning those terms 6 months prior more constructive conversations could have been had and the drama avoided. A great example of this is what happened with penpusher showing the community why a high-profile member got Perma banned is a lot better than just saying trust me bro I’m in the right posting the messages with censored names would have been more beneficial then being secret about it.


I mean thats kinda the nature of management decisions. I don’t like how a lot of things are done, I don’t have full control or say over everything and its just how it is. I personally dislike the r-word and would’ve rathered it gone much sooner but again it was a ‘if you dont like it, then dont be here’ type situation. I was vocal about it and flamed accordingly as ‘overly sensitive’/‘why do you care’/‘just go somewhere else’. its just how it is.

it wasn’t without notice, delt was put on the timer in the same message the main word was, you can go back and look, and it was put up entirely through miscommunication. there wasn’t a fight that was won unlike how people in the forums celebrated thinking they had a huge impact, it was really just an ‘oh it wasnt banned but I thought it was, sorry my b’, it really wasnt that big of a deal that was announced ~16 hours later

The explanation was given in the discord like a few hundred times practically to the point of copy paste both by the management themselves and the folk who were for the change. It wasn’t a sudden mystery and if im being honest, it was pretty visible for a long time coming.

The point I’m trying to make is two-fold: there is a process by which decisions get made, even if it’s not clearly articulated, and not each and every manager is in favor of every change made, with some things being hotly-contested issues.

I really think it would be a good if we could see/hear about some of the things that are being discussed, even if its stuff with no decisive conclusion and entirely anonymized. just hearing that things are being discussed and the potential changes that could arise are pretty interesting.

We hear all the time that ‘management will discuss this’ or that ‘management has discussed this’ but we rarely get any info past this which contributes to the mystery Illuminati feeling people get


Thank you for the insight. I appreciate it.


I try ;-;

It might not be the most satisfying answer, and some things could probably be done differently, but it’s difficult to find the balance between privacy, transparency, and effectiveness.


From my perspective as a lower ranked staff member, the situation with the r-word stuck me as a case of continual discussions over a very long period of time about whether to allow its usage or not.

I am not privy to management level discussions but at the lower level there was plenty of on and off again discussions about it from all ranks of the staff team.

This holds true for most concepts that affect the game that you can think off.

There is no uniform opinion about these changes from a staff perspective, personally I am not a fan of the change to the rule myself, however it is evidently a case that more information was given that tilted the upper echelons of management to finally change their stance on this issue from one answer to another.


You can check the drama thread, both hosts (frozen and forest) were defending the ban of “deltard” stubbornly enough (Newest change - Deltard - #17 by Frozentsbgg Newest change - Deltard - #13 by forest2001), so it’s very safe too assume it wasn’t a Grim decision behind their backs. Why did Grim took all the responsibility for this after the backlash? Honestly, I don’t know, some weird damage control? But anyway it’s very misrepresentating to blame Grim’s mistake for this, while it’s very safe to assume that management wouldn’t have backed off without the backlash regardless of whether it was a mistake or not. And, actually, if it was just a Grim’s mistake it doesn’t make it better, it actually makes the issue being discussed a lot worse, because in this case that means even management have no idea what is going on (and this is kinda possible, because we know that the change took staff members by surprise).


Just a mere tiny mistake they quickly realized only short 16 hours later, of course, nothing to see here :smile:


If people in staff think the process was a long time coming, and saw all the signs and discussions surrounding it- But the vast majority of the regular playerbase was surprised when it happened, then I think there’s a disconnect, and there’s work to be done with regards to transparency.

I don’t think people should have to slough through CTRL + F to log dive for the rationale behind changes to policy if they lack access to staff & management channels.


Forest on the other hand doesn’t really seem to have posted his personal opinion there. he kind of just says stuff we already knew and makes no real statement about whether or not it’ll come back besides “we’re thinking about it” (paraphrasing)

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Staff didn’t know about the change until the same moment the players did.


To anyone who doesn’t know the history of this topic, or doesn’t understand what’s going on, let me break it down.



It wasn’t really an organized, linear progression. It had been a persistent concern amongst certain community members, and was eventually brought up by staff members in the discord. Eventually it was picked up as a topic in management and disputed there.


I don’t know how to do all the fancy things that you’re all doing linking and quoting each other’s stuff directly so I’ll make this as organised as I can.

Biolock, it’s nice to see a manager here but I don’t think anyone would even think about criticising your conduct specifically. From what I and everyone else see’s you’re as transparent as you can be and you being here and actually engaging meaningfully just proves that. It’s sad to see you’re the only one here as to my knowledge no one has an issue with your conduct, only the conduct of Grim, Forest and Frozen.

Lichen your arguments in favour of their zero transparency policy are poor. The doxxing was terrible and there is no defending that. However, the problems presented have been long-standing issues for a lot of people and they will likely continue to be. The dox is awful but that doesn’t mean we should not have had a change in staff transparency a long time ago and it is not an argument to discourage not aiming for that transparency going forward.

For example:

My uncle died, and I watched. I had a drinking problem long before, I cannot justify my drinking issue on his death and the aftermath there of. We are all adults and we are supposed to deal with issues when they present themselves and tragedies are not a good enough reason to not fix our problems. (I haven’t drunk since his death last year for the record)

We’re all apart of this community and we all deserve to be involved to a degree.

Additionally, there was no notice (even lower level staff seemed to be inunvolved) like you said and Grim did claim himself that “r*tard” and other variations were the target of the ruling and Grim just decided to, without input or permission decided to tack “deltard” onto that ruling. It is concerning that anyone can make any decision that effects us all no matter how small without input from the community and the community should be involved. After all, the words we find acceptable in this community should be decided by the community as a whole, in my opinion.

To the rest of management, it’d be nice to see a bit more dialogue from you all. I don’t think you’re all evil lol but as you can see a lot of people have some issues and even if you don’t see them as issues it’d be good-faith to engage with them meaningfully even if we don’t come to an agreement collectively it still shows you’re listening to everyone.


Well said.