staykeu - Discord Ban Appeal

Discord Ban Appeal - staykeu

What is your Discord ID?


What is your BYOND key?


Total Ban Duration


Reason for Ban

Insisted on labeling the host (as of 3/10/2024) and those supporting them as pedophiles.


This was during the March dox of Frozentsbgg; I was one of the people pushing the situation further by implying Frozen and anyone that even slightly defended him were (without question) pedophiles. Pretty sure I was the one going the hardest on it.

I’ve come to realize how rash I was acting in a situation I had barely a grasp on. It was extremely impulsive of me to vocalize opinions that should have been kept to myself. I will not be commenting on the situation any further and spur-of-the-moment thoughts will be kept to myself; I believe I’ve progressed greatly in the ability to hold my tongue and think before I speak over the last nine-ish months.

To Frozen and any others I may have implied as bad-actors in specific, I apologize for my attitude. I’ve said it before, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat: I understand what I did wrong and problems relating to the behavior I displayed on the tenth of March will not be repeated.

I’d quite enjoy to be able to get notified for events to partake in, converse over past rounds, and get help relating to PRs I want to work on and CM code in general.


Hi, thanks for your appeal.

After conferring this with Frozen himself we have decided to unban you. Welcome back.

Just remember that a second permaban from the discord will render your ban unappealable.

Appeal accepted.

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