Strain idea thread for future xeno builds

Let’s get a thread going with new strain ideas for xeno. I think adding some new strains would a good idea to continue to give xeno a variety of different play styles.

I am aware that at the end of the day, that none of the ideas will ever come to fruition. But it’s it’s fun to at least coders future ideas of what to add.

I would like to see a needle spitter strain for the sent. That focuses on brute damage and bleeding. Like a poor man’s spike spitter ravager. Maybe give it an ability to do a 1 sec or 2 sec stun when activated and successfully hitting feet.

Second idea, nuerospitting strain for spitter to help with caps

Maybe give a more offensive queen strain that reworks scream into, instead of a knock down and stun. It is a blinding and accuracy penalty for marines in the area. The idea that it’s such a high pitched scream it deafens and causes the eyes the bleed and get blurry similar to when your vision fucks up with blood loss as a marine. Maybe take away hér spit for a smidge more slasher damage or a tail trip that does a 3 tile sweep in front of the queen. Add some more armor

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The point of strains is (generally) to achieve the caste’s purpose in a different, unique way. For vamp lurker, this means using speed instead of stealth. For acider, this means doing extra damage instead of the temporary stun. All ravagers are still the frontline attackers, and all Praetorians are still supporting damage dealers, albeit with extra niches here and there.

Turning sentinel into a damage caste, and spitter into a stunning/supporting caste is essentially turning them into a T1/T2 version of each other, I don’t see how these will provide variety.

Reworking Queen is something many people have suggested, but without Screech and Neuro marines will always easily kill her, or just get away and wait for the debuffs to go away.

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I understand that, as I stated this is more a fun idea thread to give coders in the future ideas they could possibly use for future strains.

Thank you for the constructive criticism, but let’s get idea out there. Let’s give ourselves a hope for future new stuff on the xeno side.

Kinda what Willzadl said, strains should still be the same caste, but with different strengths/weaknesses, also with sometimes niche abilities.

With that said, ive thought it over a bunch, heres a few:

EMP sentinel strain:

Neuro spit traded for EMP spits, less good against a single marine and no scatter spit, but instead gets an EMP spit with temporarily damages electronics (doesnt break anything, but turns off lamps, disables NVs, shocks doors etc. Also immune to doorshock). Maybe some discharge ability that, when charged with spits, does a mini EMP sorta deal, not entirely worked on but could be dope.

Sniper spitter:

As it sounds, permanently locked into 2x vision (preferable, but unsure if possible with code), otherwise accurate long range spits, without the charged spit ability, maybe some more downside/change as well.

Defender strain:

Currently theres only steelcrest, trading slash damage for armor/moving during fortify, but defenders main ability is making space, something along the lines trading some of that armor, for a stronger tailclub, IE centering it about the knockdown from the tailspin, tailspin has less CD, but also gets less cooldown from slashes, no fortify. Still defender, but less soaking damage and more making space.

Blind Burrower:

Entirely blind, IE cant see items only the actual characters moving around and walls, but sound generated gives you vision. For the downside, you get a few tiles “dash” where you quickly burrow, and come up again, avoiding obsticles and such, ability has a switch for targeting marines/going under em, if you hit with the charge you “pull them into the ground” (just stunned and on the floor), but with the stomp being swapped for a one similar to crusher, big damage on downed marines, but no stun. Traps still remain.

Carrier Healer:

Shaman was pretty busted, and the massive buffs it handed out aswell, carrier which sacrifices eggs to heal is still pretty neato tho, sacrifice eggs to heal quickly, or to empower buildings around you, cant build yourself since thats niched into the eggsack, but you can sac an egg to make doors/buildings stronger, possibly egg sacrifice to give you a shield on your tile, similar to reflect walls, but you can move around and block shots.

Prae Lancer:

Throws spikes, grows em out of their back passively and slowly, like shards for hedge, but instead uses them to impale marines, if they are next to a wall they are impaled on the wall, and have to pull themselves out, single shot, takes a bit to load a new one, slow and immobile like the oppressor but with damage throws instead.

Not really complete strains, mostly just brainfarts ive had, some of em neato and could make use of mechanics xenos dont really use.


Hmmm lets see. Lets build something a little wonky.

Angler Fish Xeno - Carrier Strain?

Like Erawh’s idea above, this gives up its eggs for a different kind of supporting.
-Boiler Long Range Vison
-Dig In Ability - Becomes stationary but emits weeds and functions as a xeno healing tower (Forgot the name).
-Trap Body Ability - Creates a small thin colored line to a corpse. When a marine walks over, grabs, or moves the corpse it explodes stunning marines in a 3x3 area. Can target 3 bodies within sight. Must have line of sight when “trapping” the body. After seeing Willzadl’s concern below, I’d also make this ability only work while using the Dig In Ability. If the Angler Fish moves it would break its tethers to any corpses.
-Spike Projectile - Long range, single target shot that causes damage and applies shrapnel on hit.

Alternative ability idea
-Not quite sure how Lesser Spawn, but maybe make this xeno a lesser spawn point so they are closer to the front when they come to life.


This seems unbelievably overpowered. How are you supposed to recover marines when there’s the constant threat of being instantly capped when you touch a body?

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To be honest, I was worried about the same thing. Easiest thing I can think of is using a grenade to bounce the body thus triggering the stunslopsion, but I realize that’s not sustainable for an entire operation. Mayhaps just running through the “line” from the Angler Fish to the body could break the trap without triggering it, which while a simple solution still puts a marine into an awkward position.

Also, added the need to be stationary via the “Dig In Ability” in order to maintain the tethers to bodies. The idea being, to make bodies safe for recovery, force the Angler Fish out of position via CAS, OB, fire, long range fire support, grenades, ect.

I like the angler fish idea for the carrier, I feel like burrower could be a candidate for that idea as well with some tweaking.

As for burrower how about an antlion or lurker from StarCraft strain? Like we make the burrower a static turret while underground to hold a choke or apply pressure. Give it’s shooting a cool down so it’s not spammed, maybe take away it’s ability to move underground for underground spike shooting. As for the ant lion side of it maybe give it like a pulling In effect like cas cyclone missiles that pull xeno in. But make it an ability that goes off only when the burrower submerges itself. The lurker strain could be offensive defensive and the ant lion strain could be cap support or a means to pull a group of marines away

Also for either of these there would need to be a sprite to indicate that it’s underground but still visible enough to get hit by return fire or fire support from frags sadar cas etc…

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I’ve suggested a flameguard defender strain, but people rightly said it was a bit too strong, so how about a defender that has resistances to various utility debuffs? so shock, stun, green flame slowdown, etc. This could let you be an effective bodyguard for people attacking with stuns and give you a method to deal with shock door spammers

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What about a flame thrower like strain for the spitter. Where it’s acid trip/spray gets modified and it’s normal spit get modified.

Normal spit now leaves tiles with acid puddle lingering to “burn” marines that walk over it.

Acid spray shotguns out now

Change power boost maybe to a 360 acid dump to spray an area.

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The defender strain idea is actually good.

Strain Name: Spike

  • Remove fortify and crest, plus take off 5 armor (so your now a base 30 armor).
  • Keep tailslam but make it do a micro stun alongside its damage.
  • Tailspin stays but CD lowers by 1 second for every slash and every successful person hit by the tailspin (rewards good tailspin comboing and risk taking since you have to run into a crowd of marines).
  • Slash damage reduced to 20 instead of base 27 so you need other xenos to be effective.

This is actually the most decent defender idea ive seen in a while (steelcrest is a joke LOL).

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Strain name: Lurker

  • Infinite cloak, but only when moving slowly (stalk mode)
  • Slow like drone out of stalk, limited leap range (6 tiles) (leaping cancels cloak)
  • Does same damage as current lurker
  • Maybe add a mimic shout so you can make interesting noises like a human screaming for help
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