Synthetic Application - Strawberry Skunk
What is your BYOND key?
Strawberry Skunk
What is your Discord ID?
Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?
Serenity ‘Skunk’ Strawberry
What whitelist applications have you previously completed?
Synthetic Info:
Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:
What is your Synthetic’s Personality?
Cheerful and outgoing with a love of learning new things. She will always try to find the best out of every scenario. Thanks to her being a colonial based model she is always wanting to find better ways to improve her colony of placement.
Her love of learning new things causes her to get happy feet where she will tend to hop back and fourth lightly at the idea of experiencing new things. Anything new she learns she also will often share with others like a child showing off a shiny rock to its parents. Thanks to how cheerful she is it tends to overload her sensors causing massive joy at every little happy thing. When it comes to seeing the positive her motto is “Even when you are beat down you learned how to take a punch!”
How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?
In terms of ranks of the Almayer she would show respect to LT plus but act close to the enlisted as she would see them as the true explorers of danger above all else. Her tone would be cheery all around but would be a bit more professional for command members. With enlisted she would treat them like close friends.
In a one on one conversation in terms of anyone she would talk about things she has discovered recently and if none of that exists things that interest the person shes talking to so they can get friendly.
She is interested in engineering and medical mainly seeing it as a way to push forward humanity and improve colonial lives. She would mainly focus on those areas but understands that research is needed to further the studies of many.
Serenity is our brand new synthetic off the production line. Programmed with a cheery and explorative personality she’s great for any colony looking for a synthetic wanting to work with them in creating a better world!
Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?
Ive wanted to be a synthetic for a while as I love helping out and being a supportive role whenever possible. Ive seen what synthetics do and have wanted to be like that since they helped me learn how to survivor. Ive trained as a medic, an engineer, a researcher, MP, and XO.
What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?
A synthetic had barely revived my IO when all lines in the FOB broke. The synthetic kept trying to treat me on the move while we kept trying to extract to the secondary LZ. We started off in a squad of five, then it was just me and them. When we got to the LZ we kept trying to hold it together as I was wounded and we had no idea how long we would last, they kept trying to recover our fellow personal all while I coordinated with command on getting us out. When we got back to the ship it was clear we were lucky as they did surgery on me to heal my broken parts.
Synthetic Character Story:
Very familiar down to installing a computer to creating the great wall of china.
I understand how it works, how to strategize with them, how to control marines, I am familiar.
Very familiar as I love being a medic and during surgeries after rapidly pulling guys back.
Pain is temporary, cargonia is forever. I know where the things are and how to use the search bar function, Ive learned how to balance the points and how to properly handle the marines.
What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.
If theyre marines and attacking me I would attempt to detain them non lethally.
If CLF, UPP, ETC. Subdue but do not engage as I would have marine support for cover.
If Xenos then I would adopt a defensive stance depending on the scenario. Such as at a medical zone so I could treat the wounded or move them away once the threat has decided it wasn’t worth the fight. I however wouldn’t chase them, as I would need to keep my self preservation in order to get the marines up still and evac them to a safer area if no marines are coming to assist.
Final Info:
Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?
None, None
Are you currently banned from our Discord?
Let us know why you were discord banned.
Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?
nothing else to add.