Fax Responder Application - Superreallycoolguy
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Karl ‘Big Guy’ Walz
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
No bans/
Accepted Superreallycoolguy - Moderator Application (ACCEPTED)
Accepted Superreallycoolguy - Commanding Officer Application (ACCEPTED)
Accepted Superreallycoolguy - Synthetic Application (Accepted!)
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?
Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?
I want to come a fax responder for the original reason I got into CM, the love for the aliens universe and the RP this server can provide. I have had almost all my most memorable moments on this server in some way be relevant to being related to Aliens. Sure the “chunging and plabbing” xenos is fun, banter is fun, but I get most of my enjoyment from immersing myself in the server. I used to fax respond all the time when I was Staff, it was one of my favorite things to do on a slow day, cause I know people like CL/CC/And other roles really enjoy when they actually have someone to talk back to, it helps their motivation and provides opportunities for really good RP. I won’t lie, a part of me misses faxing the CL “PLEASE WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT UPSET THE MPs! WE DON’T HAVE LAWYER MONEY!” as some lowly WY intern. To sum it up, I was here for the rp, I stayed for the rp, and I’d like to provide some soulful service with the trusted fax machine
What do you consider the purpose of this role?
The fax responder is simply the way to connect the game to the greater aliens universe, to show that there is someone on the outside of the almayer that is out there, that this isn’t a timeloop vaccum. This is a role to ENRICH what’s currently happening that needs fax responds. It’s not for “pls deathsquad” or “I WANT THE CO EXECUTED!!! APPROVE NOW! NOW NOW NOW!” As per the guidelines, that’s still staff duties. This is a RP heavy job that is meant to expand upon the aliens environment, to give connections and a sense of scale to the Almayer. It should be about quality responses to give extra depth, not to just shitpost around with.
What is your playtime in Command Roles?
130 (CO), 80.9 (Executive Officer) 25.9 (Staff Officer) + Plus the Misc probably 120 hours pre time reset (I know that is irrelevant nowadays)
What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?
16.3 (Chief), 3.5 (MP), 2.5 (Warden). Again + whatever I had pretimelock (around probably 50 total, I was also staff so I did that a lot)
What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?
3.4 (Liasion), (I had more pre-time reset but again, im not gonna keep repeating it)
What is your playtime in Civil Roles?
2.5 Hours
What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?
As prior staff I had a lot of time for these, moreso Highcommand visitations: Around 13 hours? (I also used to not always go in as super high rank)
Provost Roles: 10 hours total? Its a mix from all the marshals, sector marshals, and inspectors
WY Roles: It says none but I’ll guess 2 hour