Fax Responder Application - Suspicous_Cthulhu_Soup
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Coleen ‘Boy’ Cotter
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
I haven’t applied into any whitelist or staff roles.
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?
Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?
Because every whisper deserves to be heard…
For the last few months, I’ve felt like roleplaying on CM has started to become somehow “stagnant”… As if the true meaning of roleplaying was devolving into a state of niche set of routines that just came down to “soulless emoting, stale&robotic conservations, IC chat becoming ground for blanant communication of game mechanics without any regards of roleplaying, and the ‘fragging’ culture”.
However upon further thought and a tiny bit of introspection; I’ve come to realize that I, too, am guilty of many things I started to frown upon. Before I elaborate on my remark, allow me to narrate further. I am consistently a ‘support’ player. Most of the times you will likely encounter me as a ComTech, HC, doctor, gunship pilot or researcher. Due to the nature of support roles, one’s experience of being a marine will be closely tied to specializing in game mechanics and doing your job in the intense battlefield (or a desolate corner) in order to render other marines’ round more viable and accomplished. This kind of environment most often does not provide grounds for ‘unique’ or ‘rich’ roleplay situations: Running from one corpse to another in a MASS CAS, building the FOB alone, becoming a literal gardener whilst hoping for a tiny bit of human contact from the IOs as they deliver the research items or sitting in an unventilated cockpit for two hours, bothered solely by the medevac and fulton callouts.
And, in the perpeptual cycle of ‘grinding’ support roles, I grew considerably dull to new roleplay opportunities. I always seeked entertaining interactions, but I’ve come to the sad realization that “spamming ‘*warcry’ and tackling people” were somehow more viable to incite roleplay in a standart round. I have often managed to create fun conversations, but they lacked a certain “edge” — a taste of remarkability. And one of the earlier days, I’ve found what supposed edge was thanks to a brief restrospect into my previous experiences with roleplay roles: Soulfulness and ingeniunity. And this encouraged me to apply to become a Fax Responder. I also want to voice out my reasons and hopes for the whitelist.
First of all, I have always kept paperwork in high regard as a tool to enact roleplay, even if it does not receive any response. I view the process of creating a well-written fax to be a direct effort towards world-building, which I view to be one of the pillars of soulful roleplay and story-telling, which is a great attraction point. And no need to mention that the WL has accumulated countless of ingeniune and adept roleplayers within its structure already. There is an endless potential for growth, brainstorming, memes and even more paperwork templates! I would love to see what other responders are up to, I have been seeing lots of funny faxed messages around. And most importantly, I wish to seize the opportunity to develop as a roleplayer in a rich environment for growth.
I am very confident that I will be able to perform all my duties as expected. I understand that this is a role of importance to all the parties involved, and my actions can change the nature of their experience greatly. Therefore I will keep myself to the highest standart of roleplay to the best of my abilities.
What do you consider the purpose of this role?
- As a Fax Responder, I act as a limited extension of staff’s ability to respond players’ faxes as a representative of the faction: Let it be the Division Director/Manager Assistant, localized CLF Cell Leader or the Assistant Editor. My duty is to answer the faxes sent to my faction accordingly under staff monitoring. Nature of my limited abilities also requires that I must pay upmost attention to my boundaries and do not escalate the roleplay situation to a state it would require staff intervention, without autharization. Therefore this role’s purpose is to handle players’ faxes under staff authority whilst holding up to the expected roleplay standarts.
When would you consider it appropriate to use your phone?
As a fax responder, I should almost never need to touch my dial-phone! However I can think of a scenario where I might attempt to use the dial-phone. For the scenario: As the WY Fax Responder, in order to reward a soulful and well-executed roleplay enact with a finishing touch. If a CL has managed to complete Company directives even during a XX-121 boarding and managed to take a shuttle to the Suigin, I would attempt to disclose the details of their peculiar success via an AdminHelp and ask if I could congratulate their team via the ring-phone myself. That would be an example of staff authorized usage; it would not have been used as a mean of communication, but a gesture in order to render the experience more remarkable.
If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?
As a WY Responder, I can assign directives to the Company Liaison! However, there would be restrictions stemming from the temperate of second party and my autharity’s limits. First of all, I can NOT give the liaison a hitlist within limits of my own power, as directives should be inherently non-antagonist directives. It is also important that I must not escalate the roleplay enact to a point of requiring a staff member’s input or action (Such as: Authorazing a transport shuttle for survivors of PMC team from the colony, completely outside my reach) unless it has been discussed beforehand. And last of all, it is important to measure liaisons’ willingness and temperateness. Within those trivial limits, I would come up with three possible objectives for the liaison:
Persuade&Work with the onboard press reporter to film an inspirational video, and show yourself as heroic as possible.
Enroll the mess technician into the Wey-Yu Culinary Talents Support Initiative.
Prepare a medium-sized diner menu and send the photographs for the incoming ExeCookive Personnel cook-off.
If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?
The beautiful thing I’ve witnessed about some correspondents is that some of them are really temperate to the idea of a Editor-Reporter fax-thingy, aand rest of them forget that they had a fax machine, so it is hard to get their attention without sending a generic pre-made editor letter in round-start. Which is actually even funnier because I did see a CC roleplaying as an UPP spy relaying the operation on a channel, and one roleplaying as a editor of a cat blog. I love it a lot, and it deserves a lot more love since gnarp’s addition to the loadout. About objectives I would give to a CC:
Install various custom cameras in the AO under ‘Combat Correspondent Live’ network.
Film non-xenofauna wildlife.
Wear cool stuff you find on the colony, for RATINGS.
What is your playtime in Command Roles?
SO - 21.2 / ASO - 3.3
What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?
MP - 30.4 / Warden - 12.3
What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?
What is your playtime in Civil Roles?
CC - 43.0
What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?
PMC Leader 1.8 hr
CMB Marshal 1.3 hr
Corporate Division Manager 0.9 hr
Corporate Assistant Manager 0.6 hr
Corporate Executive Supervisor 0.6 hr
Interstellar Commerce Commission Corporate Liaison 0.2 hr (almayer nuke incident)