Swagile - Job/Role Ban Appeal

Swagile - Job/Role Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Amira Young

Type of Ban?

Job/Role Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

None at the moment.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

A few very, very old servers such as Vorestation, one HRP server that I forgot the name of, and thats all I can really remember since its been a decade or so.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Banned from Commanding Officer - Along with another player, took two of the most important roles (CO, and XO) and rushed to buy an engineering techweb, before going to cryo immedietely, leaving a single Lieutenant to lead the CIC and hijacking the round. This is not the first occassion of issues with command as prior highlighted with the CO council. by solidfury7 (SeniorModerator) on 2021-07-02 13:15:50

Banned from Executive Officer - Along with another player, took two of the most important roles (CO, and XO) and rushed to buy an engineering techweb, before going to cryo immedietely, leaving a single Lieutenant to lead the CIC and hijacking the round. This is not the first occassion of issues with command as prior highlighted with the CO council. by solidfury7 (SeniorModerator) on 2021-07-02 13:15:50

Banned from Chief MP - Along with another player, took two of the most important roles (CO, and XO) and rushed to buy an engineering techweb, before going to cryo immedietely, leaving a single Lieutenant to lead the CIC and hijacking the round. This is not the first occassion of issues with command as prior highlighted with the CO council. by solidfury7 (SeniorModerator) on 2021-07-02 13:15:50

Links to previous appeals:

N/A, I do not remember if I have appealed since the old forums is gone.

Your appeal:

I intentionally cryo’d alongside an XO as CO due to my intense hatred of Techwebs back then as it forced a single minded meta and overall burnout of the game, and had my CO and XO roles subsequently banned. I have long since learned from my mistakes and wish to be able to play XO again at the very least. I do not care about my Chief MP ban since I do not like MP anyway.

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Hello Swagile.

I will be accepting your Commander, Executive Officer and Chief Military Police job ban appeal.

Considering the great length of time between the bans institution and the current day, plus your lack of further notes or bans since this job-ban, I feel this is a easy appeal to accept.

I am also removing your CMP job ban as well. I was initially confused as to why you were job-banned from CMP, however after some discussions and research it would seem likely this was due to the CMP being one of only three roles that had unrestricted access to the techweb.

I will note that you while you are unbanned from the role of Commander, you will likely still need to re-apply that role should you so chose, but matters of whitelists are beyond my purview.

The ban should be lifted by the time you read this, if you still can not play the roles please contact myself or any other staff member to seek assistance.


Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting