Swagile - Player Report: Itzel Lord, Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 4: No Griefing.
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Amira Young
Accused character name:
What rule(s) were broken?:
Itzel Lord
Description of the incident:
Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 4: No Griefing.
I was roundstart XO this round and it was a LV-624 round.
Throughout the round, Itzel Lord, a Cpl Bravo CT, used his radio pack to constantly prank call CIC. He would call to ask “whats a hospital?” “whats a OB?” over and over in a similar vein, even when told to stop doing so, and later being threatened with a BE [we had a CO player and I asked him to deal with him but the CO was deployed and busy](since he was calling during Queen flanks when I was asking for OB coords so no one else could call CIC during his prank calls), and would continue to do so till I sent a MP to arrest him (even during this he was trying to prank call me by taking his ID off so it would not show his name calling).
Normally, I would not make a report, but:
A) He was continually disrupting my round and causing grief to the marine team since no one else could call me when he was constantly prank calling me every 3-5 minutes.
B) I was told he has a record of doing similar acts.
C) The act of calling CIC like this over and over is extremely LRP; a marine commtech would not act like this, especially to a XO, during a fight against xenomorphs.
I didn’t make an ahelp at the time of the round as I was too busy dealing with planetside, shipside issues, and later organizing the escape during hijack against 50 + xenos.
Not the same round as this report, but he did the same to me in req. Constantly calling and calling req. Even after I flashed the dude and took away his radio pack, he just spam called req from the hanger. A phone which you cannot put on do not disturb. So I deleted the phone with C4, was at wits end at that point.
I want to add to this report, if it’s permitted since I had some interactions with this invididual, the details of a round which I don’t remember the ID. Indeed, he was with the call spamming both Requisitions and with other marines while the CO was doing the briefing; despite our threats and orders, he refused to stop until the Quartermaster flashed him and removed his radiopack after being dismissed.
Further, in another round (I don’t remember if it was the same, but was New Varadero), the CIC and the Military Police were informed (I wasn’t either department but I did read the conversations when I was in the afterlife) that Itzel Lord gave the coords for an OB in LZ2, which nobody was manning neither pushing. Without settling with that alone, he also was giving coords to mortar which were so close to friendlies, managing to injure them and probably killing them. I don’t know what happened later, but that’s my grain of sand.
I want to clarify this first because its been two seperate instances now where I’ve been accused of a bad OB on purpose
For a server so notorious for command killing its own, this is frankly so unfounded as to be borderline malicious
Of the six OB’s I’ve called in, in the last few weeks, two have been too close to cades and ended up mulching marines, these were heat of the moment mistakes and have only become an accusation levelled at me because the CO in charge of one of them immediately wanted someone to blame
The mortar incident is a complete fabrication, me and a delta FTL (Yumi something) we’re arguing over the mortar and kept changing the coords back and forth until they got lost in the confusion and we fired on friendlies by accident
Finally, I’ll admit the phone gag is tired now, its obviously wearing some people a little thin and I’m taking this as my sign to knock on the head and just play the god damn game for a bit, for those I’ve annoyed to this extent I am sorry, I hadn’t realised how annoyed by this you’d become.While you can argue for it being LRP however, I wouldn’t say that it’s outside of the spirit of the game when done in moderation.
As an aside, it definitely seems like a core few in the community have decided that I am just here to ruin their day and have gone so far as to outright lie to get their way. I’m just here to play a neat little spaceman game in the few moments I get after work and be a goof, I apologise if I’ve missed the mark but I am not someone you need to lower yourself to these levels to get rid of.
I won’t comment on anything else you say as its separate from this report, but you did not do the phone gag in moderation and kept spamming CIC over and over in this instance, even when told to stop politely, then threatened, and finally had MP’s sent after you.
Just to be clear here, I meant that as more of a “Had I done this in moderation it wouldn’t of been outside of the spirit of things but I acknowledge I have gone too far with it”
My investigation into this incident quickly uncovered sufficient evidence to show that the accused, the player of the character of Itzel Lord, fell well below our standards of roleplay in their verbal conduct with other players. This is not just due to their excessive and unnecessary communication efforts with CIC and other shipside support staff, but also the conduct and nature of their communications. Their manner of speaking was excessively low roleplay and unfitting of a reasonable, sane, adult member of a fictional military organisation.
I will be issuing the player with a Rule 2 warning.