swumprat - Sticky Ban Appeal

swumprat - Sticky Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Flynt M. Darling

Type of Ban?

Sticky Ban

What is your Bancode?


Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

Unknown presumed perma

Remaining Duration

Unkown presumed Perma

What other servers do you play on?

None at the moment

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Colonial Marines | CM-SS13 | U.S.S Almayer I have been given a short timed ban for EORG like 4 years ago on the same server. Other than that not that I can recall.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

I was using a VPN that got me a sticky. I didn’t realize I had left it on.

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

I’ll try to make sure I leave my VPN off when I connect.

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Hey there, @swumprat!

I’ve lifted your sticky ban, it is something common for VPN users. You can join the server now, but I will keep the thread open for a couple of hours in case you can’t join the server.