Syndro101 - Fax Responder Application

Fax Responder Application - Syndro101

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Jackson ‘Firebird’ Ryes

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:


Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?


Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?

I wish to become a fax responder first and foremost to positively add to a round, whether through RP or advice. I believe the fax system is heavily under-utilized because of how commonly faxes get forgotten about. On the other hand, someone might be too busy to respond within an appropriate window for the fax to be useful. Regardless, this WL piques my interest, and I’d like to see how I could fit into it, if able.

I’m also applying for this WL to dip my toes into the application process, gauging what questions might come my way for other serious or important roles. By doing so I might obtain a better perspective of where I stand in and where I need to improve.

What do you consider the purpose of this role?

I consider this role (depending on what type of responder) to be an “IC-middleman” between staff and the players. This role has incredible potential to add flavor or knowledge to any round it’s utilized in.

Take the Provost responder for example, this role can help MPs come to a reasonable solution for a detainee they’re not sure how to process, answer appeals if required, provide advice to an under-staffed department, or assist in an event by sending regular updates for something like a prisoner transfer.

High Command responders in a similar vein, can provide similar boons to CIC, such as informing CIC of scheduled staff inspections, coordinating USCM-3rd party cooperation, inquiring on events groundside or even potentially securing backup for marines in dire circumstances (if allowed by admins).

Overall, Fax Responder stands a good shot of mixing up rounds in subtle, positive ways that I believe we’ve been missing for years.

What is your playtime in Command Roles?

Executive Officer: 138.8 | Staff Officer: 79.2

What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?

Chief MP: 241.1 | Military Warden: 110.7 | Military Police: 61.2

What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?


What is your playtime in Civil Roles?


What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?

PMC Leader: 2.5
PMC Weapons Specialist: 0.1
Corporate Trainee: 1.1

Provost Team Leader: 0.8
Provost Enforcer: 1.1
Marine Raider: 0.2

UPP Politsiya: 1.0
UPP Conscript: 0.3
UPP Mayjor: 1.5
UPP Podpolkovnik: 0.1