Syndro101 - Whitelist Report: Isaiah Colt, Battlefield Executions

Syndro101 - Whitelist Report: Isaiah Colt, Battlefield Executions

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Jackson ‘Firebird’ Ryes

Accused BYOND key:

CastorTroy23 (I believe)

Accused character name:

Isaiah Colt

What rule(s) were broken?:

Battlefield Executions

Whitelist in question:

Commanding Officer

Description of the incident:

My main concern is that they executed someone detained in brig (securely restrained), without following standard execution protocol, you know, this kind of stuff:

Last Meals
Final Appeal
General announcement beforehand

I directly witnessed the execution as the Provost Fax Responder, the researcher was executed in the holding cell, the only other detail I have is that the researcher had gone comatose.

P.S: They seemed quite BE happy, which is understandable after a 3 hour round where marines almost fumble, but I still think some of their other announcements don’t particularly lean into how a CO should act.


Main Concern


Slightly Off-putting



Before I directly respond to your accusations, I would like to give some context on the round.

I had woken up late into the round, almost an hour in, at a crucial time, with marines approaching the hive. Seeing some struggle, I decided to try and deploy, however I was caught up by research requesting to make xenomorphs. Having gone there, I had some nice RP with Culverin and another researcher called Graft. I was initially reluctant, seen how xenos were on the backfoot and it wasn’t needed, but as our conversation was progressing the marines were faltering. After some brief talking-to to Culverin, he talked me into it. I allowed it, and stipulated having only ONE xenomorph, to which Culverin agreed, and I allow him, leaving him to his business, and me going to deploy in the operation we were losing. I also ask one MP to station research in the meanwhile, but they were spread thin, having to have that same MP for an appeal for testimony, and later on to hunt down a shipside xeno.

Fast forward. I’m deployed. Word comes out that research had done more than 1 xeno. It was 13. As it turns out, the MP wasn’t even manning research, though I hold no ill intent towards him. I ask them to be deployed ASAP so that hopefully they may die fighting the xenos, but lo and behold, they betrayed us. Immediately, around the 1:00 or 1:15 mark, I tell the MP department, which was both understaffed (1 CMP, 1 MP) and slightly incompetent (appeal shenanigans I won’t go into details about, just know MPs could’ve handled the arrest better), to arrest and execute A.W. Culverin.

Time goes on, and on, and on. The round ends. We win groundside, in spite of all things. Both shipside and groundside have xenos running off and hiding in corners of the map. I go up to deal with reports of a warrior that marines were EXPLICITLY friendly to and refusing to kill (picture 2) after being ordered to kill ALL, and I mean ALL, xenomorphs, no matter the hive. Of course, this meant I could also see that Culverin was arrested and processed.

By the time I get up, it’s reported that the warrior was killed, and as such I move to the brig, and I find him there, only in the holding cell.
It had been one full hour, if not more, since my arrest order. This researcher showed 0 regret, kept threatening the MP department, and saying other insane things in medsci comms (I don’t remember or took any screenshots because I had to juggle so many things around, but I’m sure the councilors will agree when they see the logs).

At that point, seeing how it was round end, and how much shit the researcher had done, and how incompetent the MPs had been, I decide to just shoot him in spite of being safely cuffed in a holding cell. It felt like the appropriate thing to do: expedient, thus wouldn’t be cut off by the round end, and undeserving of any last meal, words, or cigs. Had I known the round end was delayed, I probably would’ve let them carry on, but it still felt like it fit him. I was fully aware that it was an SOP violation.

As for your ‘slightly off-putting’ screenshot, as I said before, the marines were being intentionally friendly to a corrupted xeno whose hive betrayed us previously and cost us plenty more lives, after being ordered to kill it, and refusing. Some even said they’d shoot me and that ‘xeno lives matter’, or whatever. Stupid shit like that. I do not appreciate you taking this out of context when you had reports of this on comms.


Given the fact that 16 unauthorized Xenos were bred illegally inside Research at the time this incident occurred, the Council has ruled that such a threatening scenario would justify the bypassing of protocol to issue a swift battlefield execution.

In this case, the corrupted Xenos qualify as a “hostile force onboard the ship” in Marine Law, and as such, any Execution-related due process can be waived in such a scenario. In such a case, the CO only needs to authorize the execution - which was inherently done - and then commence it, which was also done.

While the Council may have reservations about the necessity of such an action, doing so has been deemed to be within the confines of the law due to the classification of the corrupted Xenos as an imminent threat, and so execution procedure was not required to be followed.

As a result, this report will be closed with no action taken.