Synths giving exclusive clothes from their vendors to marines

there is a weird grey area about synths and them handing out the clothes available from their vendor that I think should be clearly defined.

Morrow, the last Maintainer Manager, stated that if Synthetics were found handing out items from their personal vendor to non-Synthetics, he would remove those cosmetic items from the Synthetics, though this was more in reference to Ponchos but the theme was that the vendor is for the Synthetic only.

In universe the vendor is more so just a personal locker that holds the Synthetics personal clothing items, and not a “snowflake” vendor that holds a hundred different items.

It was also stated that Synthetics could still hand out some clothing items to other people presuming a very good roleplay reason, this mostly being giving survivors some fresh clothes as a example.

However insofar as I know there is no codified rule regarding what exactly you can and can not do, this being more just a unwritten inference.

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It’s not really a grey area.

The Conformity Unit Vendor AKA Alternate Storage Vendor is used for equipping your Synthetic with cosmetic items. This is ICly equipment that your Synthetic would have in a storage locker, or on your Synthetic. It’s strictly to be used for yourself only, unless a RP situation occurs where it would make sense to give something from it. In example, for a rescued survivor who has acid-ruined clothing, you may give them a tshirt and jeans. You should not oblige requests from Marines for random equipment, unless you feel it is truly necessary or that a high level of RP has been achieved, as this falls under RP Expectations.

TLDR: As Steelpoint said above, it’s just the locker the synthetic would use for their clothing normally, but since that’d be impractical to have in game, we have a meta-ey replacement for it which serves the purpose well. You can give people clothing your synth would already have if you have a good RP reason, but keep it rare and within reason.


Rules wise, Synthetics are obliged to follow the synth guidelines

In this page, it states that “It’s strictly to be used for yourself only, unless a RP situation occurs where it would make sense to give something from it”.

However synth rule breaches are handled by the synthetic council, not members of staff.

So, on examination I think this issue is covered by the guidelines

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I think the clarification is still good.

As I have, on occasion, passed out multiple of the same item to marines under the roleplay of “I found a crate of (shoes/ponchos/etc) in the closet”

I have never been contacted about it or had anyone mention it, nor does it seem to have caused any issues.

Perhaps it is because I do so on very rare occasions and roleplay it out; avoiding silly items like passing out 6 dresses. I have always interpreted the rule as it being okay as long as its rare and you do it roleplay wise. Seems that might be wrong.

Maybe I was just never caught… maybe its because Ive been a synth for the better part of half a decade at this point and I was doing that before the rule. I dont know.


While I am presently no longer a synth-WL enjoyer I can comment on this.

There is no weird grey area at all, this is forbidden.

It isn’t explicitly stated anywhere, but common sense here should prevail for a synth player, you are given access to a lot of gear outside of what is available to anyone else. You shouldn’t be vending anything for anyone unless they’re a fellow synth and even then they had more than enough points to buy their own clothing.

If a synth is vending explicitly to give to marines, tell the council which synth is doing it.
I found another synth doing it because my meta-buddies told me post game they were getting the unique webbing from a synth and was told explicitly by a councilor that this isn’t allowed when I mentioned it.

Edit: I have been corrected, it is explicitly forbidden outside of RP circumstances, provided it isn’t egregious. I still don’t know what RP circumstances that could reasonably make this exchange of equipment happen but hey-ho.


Iirc the rp reason would be “acid drenched clothes” which was an example I saw (Just shower or be sprayed with space cleaner)

CM players conceptualize something through roleplay (impossible challenge)

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Yes, it’s for the most part prohibited for synths to give out their drip.

However I think that prompts that bigger question of clothing in the first place and I think we need to reassess whether a lot of the stuff in the synth vendor can’t be utilized by the rest of the marine side.

While I’m all for having WL-ed drip, the sheer quantity of synth only clothing prompts questioning.

We have MPs to enforce uniform guidelines.


It could be set up that Marines can have a set of personal civilian clothing spawn somewhere on the ship, either in a restricted vendor like the Synthetic one where every Marine gets a small number of points to spend, or the Marine has to pick some civilian clothing in their Character setup menu. The idea here could be to give Marines the ability to vend their own personal clothes when appropriate.

I can already envision some of the annoyance of CIC if they had to deal with Marines trying to run around in civies, so either the system can be locked off so someone with an Officer’s ID card had to open it before-hand, or you accept that MPs are going to have to do more clothing enforcement.


That would be great for shore-leave events.

And I think the problem of marines running around in civilian clothing would be only major when first introduced, everyone would want to try it out at first. But then it would be just like it is with wearing uniform with no jacket and no armor


I really like this idea. It’d also solve the issue of people shooting up CIC because the XO refuses to open the service/dress uniform vendors.

Would be great to have dress/service uniforms and then whatever civilian clothing the marine character bought with them. I doubt everyone would instantly rock up planetside with casual clothes since it’d still be an offence under ML. Would be very cool for off-duty RP though (if that even exists for enlisted roles).

The best part is, now the MPs have an extra excuse to start beating the absolute shit out of marines.


Please give MP’s the RC-6, MP’s no longer have riot helmets with actual visors.

Well, I don’t see a reason for us to not have the option for Marines to vend their own civ clothes for events or when authorized, so here’s my solution: Personal Civilian Clothing Storage Unit For Marines by Steelpoint · Pull Request #6401 · cmss13-devs/cmss13 · GitHub

You guys will complain about everything holy hell dude.

Boo hoo the role that’s supposed to be wearing the movie armor has to wear the movie armor and not civilian clothing…………