szczypak - Player Report: Michael 'Ponyboy' Calhoun, Rule 4, Rule 10.

szczypak - Player Report: Michael ‘Ponyboy’ Calhoun, Rule 4, Rule 10.

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Duke ‘Disco’ Ray

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Michael ‘Ponyboy’ Calhoun

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 4, Rule 10.

Description of the incident:

So I was playing as alpha CT that round. After getting all my gear I went to the brief room to see the brief bubble (The thing in the middle of the brief room) mostly deconstructed and furnitured with many of beds (I am not aware of who did this I just took it as a funny bit). I decided to join about 5 other marines in the group sleep inside the bubble thinking nothing of it but just an innocent prank and a funny bit. Shortly the CO arrives and to his surprise the bubble is dressed like a bead room but full of marines. He walks up and tells us to get out of the bubble. Me looking to give MPs something to do and to add some non rule breaking, innocent RP I decided to object to the majors order and stay in the bubble. The CO after counting to 5 walked up and started attacking the marine in front of me with a baton. Trying to make an escape out of the bubble and run away I shove him hoping his baton will fall out of hand (It didn’t). The CO takes a few steps back and then out of nowhere unholsters his revolver and shoots me down to the floor. He walks up to me and executes me on the spot (Break of escalation). After that marines try to tackle CO down for the unlawful execution after which the CO starts blasting the other marines in the middle of the briefing room injuring and killing some (Rule 4 break). I am not fully aware of the other incidents that took place after that. I know that CO got shot down by some marines for this and shortly after revived. I am the only perma dead victim (as far as I am aware) and the guys that shot the CO down got perma briged. I heard the talks of executions taking place but also not sure.


All the chat logs that I had got erased due to the inflow of dead chat and global actions being displayed there. (sorry for the trubble of making you dig through logs)


Hey there, @Tired! Somehow this player report slipped under our radar, so I apologise for the delay.

I checked the logs and I see that you were executed by CO Calhoun for “assaulting their commanding officer and disregarding a direct order.”. I’d like to clarify that Whitelisted Commanding Officers are allowed to instantly kill any player at any time if the player fulfills the conditions found in Marine Law, we can’t talk about escalation here since there’s a special clause for Battlefield Execution under Rule 10, so Rule 10 was not broken. As you stated, some Marines were disarming the CO, therefore it was within CO’s right to protect themselves. I don’t believe Rule 4 was broken considering it was, in fact, Marines griefing the CO. Report denied.


Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict

CO Council Addendum

We’ve examined the Battlefield Execution and have come to the conclusion that it is a Proper Battlefield Execution