While deploying a theoretical weapon against preds my allowance to deploy was revoked, after cycling before deploying anyway in the name of science, revenge for their ship damage and super rare gameplay opportunity I get almost immediately executed by the CO saying “consequences” while surrounded by marines then never announcing it
Felt like overkill to instantly remove me from the round for disobeying one order to significantly help the marines, the OP was going smoothly beyond marines screaming about predators harassing them constantly
Full MPs, relatively low marine casualties, no process or escalation just instant death
SEA of the round here, while i didn’t see what happened and i don’t know much about it the CO definitely did annouce your execution, i believe it went something like: “Anna ‘Speedster’ Hailey” has been battlefield executed for Charge i forgot, unauthorised deployment, and being a general nuisance"
We had a very spirited chase with two preds doing gear recovery on ship that involved a WY security guard getting killed, and just a general lot of (fun) chaos.
You mentioned parts of your plan for catching a predator on the ground including asking the MPs for a straitjacket to restrain the pred up on the dropship after you sleeper-chem’d it (after this big massive fight on the ship with two preds). CO took notice here and revoked your authorization to deploy, to which you said “too bad, i already deployed”. The CO offered you the out, to come back up on the ship on its next cycle. To the best of my memory, you didnt respond or confirm you’d be back up. So, yea, “consequences”.
You were told to return, but you did not, even though you were directly warned you’d be my problem. As I deployed to spearhead the op in the second half, you became my problem. Now, as much as I like you personally, there are worlds where you could have probably snuck around me and done what you wanted anyway.
However instead
You deployed without actual authorization.
You were told to return to the ship but chose not to, as the security force was mainly busy at the shipside at the time.
While you may not have known I was going to deploy, it was made clear that I would deal with you if you didn’t.
You fucked around and found you had every ability at every step to stop what you were doing and do literally anything else (To make this clear here. I even ordered no charges to put on you if you just followed orders). Because you think you have some great boon to offer is not an okay reason to ignore orders. What you did instead of what you were thinking of was slow everything down just to deal with you.
I don’t enjoy round-ending people, and I normally like you quite a bit. But what you were doing wasn’t okay. You shouldn’t have brought us to a place where this became a thing, and it was ultimately entirely in your control.
Could I have brought MPs into the mix to deal with the Marines and whatever the predators were doing while they were busy shipside? Sure, but nothing about that at the time screamed like an excellent idea for reasons that are obvious.
However, addressing the parts where you’re not exactly being factual.
You were ordered and warned
You ignored it
In fact announced your execution.
Ultimately, I expected better from you Anna. I’m sorry your feelings are hurt over this BE but you brought this onto yourself. I gave you a very generous out of the situation so we could all just move on and you chose to ignore it.
As a ghost, I saw a command announcement indicating that the Researcher had been executed, I double checked logs and can confirm that a announcement was made.
ANNOUNCEMENT: /(Braden ‘Aces’ Stephenson) has announced the following:
Researcher Anna Hailey has been battlefield executed for ignoring orders, illegally deploying, and being a general pain in the ass. - - Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. - - I'm heading to the front now marines
Hey there, Noel ‘Corpo’ Tillary one of the corpsec officers that witnessed the BE here.
Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in, pretty sure the CO did make an announcement as as soon as they shot the researcher, they took our their tablet and sent a message (as a survivor goon I can’t see the announcements)
The LT Colonel did say something about killing the researcher, as on the dropship they said ‘I think i’m going to BE a researcher’, along those lines, and a nearby private said ‘Cool can i watch’.
Not sure if what the researcher did to get BEed besides be groundside, but that’s not for me to speculate.
Alright completely fair on all fronts, especially on the announcement couldnt find it after scanning through a few times for it and saw other marines mention not hearing it so thought there were none thus just adding to the annoyance for me (and thinking there were more straws to grab)
“and warned”
I missed the warning too then? I think I only heard the first denial then radio silence while trying to convince a deployment anyway, then meeting bullet named “consequence” seems my chat literacy has gone down the shitter
I suppose I revoke/close/archive the report then, just got overly tilted about it while increasingly obvious its completely my fault trying to do the impossible and I had a big need for an unwarranted vent
Hopefully you can BE me next time for completely fair crimes against humanity, ye?
I think you got the wrong thread, the IO’s were very much alive and I even deployed next to one that round and my given reason was to capture a pred alive, not IO related