Tell me your best SCIENCE moments as researcher.

I want to hear you best story from doing science. Also please post something other then " I made a super stim and won the game."

I have a runing gimmick where I use the power of SCIENCE to create a ball of floating light called object-52. I then write a report where I say it some 4D object the messes with your mind. In my observations it seems few players know you can even make this ball. To any who know how please don’t spoil the fun just let them find out themselves. This round the CMO agreed to be the first test subject. I HR with him about it. I used emotes to make it look like he was hallucinating. The CMO though it was all like a magic trick. My next test subject was a mess tech. Half way through the test a SEA and some MP’s walk in. Apparently the MST had not signed the waver correctly. So I was ordered to get the MSt out of the lab cell. However the MST refused and started acting crazy. As you can imagine I got arrested for crimes aginst humanity. As they dragged me and the CMO away I yelled to him.

" I told you it was real."


I used a hugged PVT who had no idea of what’s going on to make greenos by inviting him into the containment and injecting him with CIP2.


One time a researcher colleague and I were attempting to make a superstim, and he was VERY insistent on adding in yautja hemogenic as one of the properties, despite my protests. After we make the stim, which had a good deal of boosting, he goes and injects himself with some of it. He dies in seconds as his blood literally fucking explodes.

I’ve also done my fair share of devious greeno activities
maint_Greenos (2)
maintGreenosRevengeance - Copy



After all we’ve been through, Adam… :patrice:


I was spamming variants of a chemical, Unga Crystal, because I thought the game was ending soon and I thought it mixing inside marines on the ground would be funny. no OD, NGN10 ACR10, I keep making versions taking iron, bicard, kelo, water, sugar, anything that might appear in a marine body. It was kinda working, medics start asking what it is, then I relate in OXI1 from lithium without thinking, latejoin PFCs start exploding in preps (their emergency injectors had all the chem reagents in it) and the doctor making unga in the chem line also explodes.


I once made an Alcoholic 10, Hallucinogenic 10, Euphoric 10, Regulating 1 drug with a recipe of 3 basic chems on roundend. It was… uhhhhh… It was shit.


As CE @SubjectD9341 has made greenos at least twice and on each occasion they have betrayed me.

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Errrrrm first it wasn’t a betrayal it was a coup because greenos decided to change marine leadership after they failed on their promises :nail_care:


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