Test log for new discovred chemical.

[The following data requires level X clearence to veiw.]

The subject was injected with chemical agent B-578. Scans show the chemical has the DNA disengaging property. This is a log of the changes observed in the subject after injection. Exact dates have been redacted for safety reason. To see unredacted see your administrator.

Entry 1 [Time after injection REDACTED.]

The subject has shown no signs of change. There vitals shows an increased heart rate but is likely to do them being nervous.

Entry 2 [Time after injection REDACTED.]

The subject still shows no signs of change but has become less stressed. Subject reports being hungry. Food has been given to them via a slot in the wall. The subject ate it in a remarkably fast manner. The subject did not respond to question for 10 seconds after eating. When asked why they claimed they simply did not notice. Make a note that the subject ate shortly before the test began.

Entry 3 [Time after injection REDACTED.]

Subject has stopped responding to questions. They have begun to pace around the room. Subject has begun to scratch at themselves. Vitals remine stable but stress levels are elevated again. The first visible signs of change where observed. After being restrained with great effort their teeth have fallen out. Small metallic teeth have begun to take their place. X-rays show that significant bone growth has begun in the head, whist, legs, and fingers. Notable neurological growth have been detected in the brain. At first believed to be several tumors it was discovered that the chemical is altering the subject brain.

Entry 4 [Time after injection REDACTED.]

The subject has started to become responsive again, however is increasingly hostile. Their eyes have begun to atrophy and are almost fully nonfunctional. Brain scans show atrophy in the optical lob as well. The subject has been rendered unable to move due to the excessive bone and muscle growth. The spine has begun to grow out to form a tail. A noticeable elongation of the head has begun as well as enlargement of the fingers to form claws.

Entry 5 [Time after injection REDACTED.]

Subject has regained the ability to move. Their skin has mostly been shed and replaced with the chitin shell underneath. The eye holes in the subject’s head have fused closed. They have switched to a pentagrid leg structure. Significant muscle growth in all parts of the body has malformed the entire body. At this point the subject only look vaguely human. Brains scans show the brain is almost unrecognizable. A large fluid pumping organ has begun to form next to the brain. The old heart has stopped working entirely. Many of there organs have begun to stop working as new ones begin to form.

Entry 6 [Time after injection REDACTED.]

The subject has fully transformed into a x-121 alien. Tests show the subject still responds to their name. It does not seem to understand what a name is but it does react. So far test show it is indistinguishable from a normal x-121 alien. Due to the risk of it escaping the subject was terminated on the date of [REDACTED]. It body was incinerated in order to prevent contamination from any amount of the chemical that might have still been in its body. Further testing shall be halted until further notice.


Nice, just a few typos

in the header discovred should be Discovered.

in paragraph two disengaging should be disintegration.

worry not as i make even worst mistakes of grammar all the time.

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