The base prae acid grenade sucks. Heres how I would change it

Give it no windup, increase the explosion timer by a few seconds.
I really hate how this ability goes unused, there are very limited circumstances in which you can use effectively, and most of the time you will get shredded trying to lob it at a group, while hitting 1 person at most. Trying to throw it in tight corridors will get you killed waiting for the windup, 90% of the time you should just be using acid spray.

Seeing as warden has 2 identical abilities plus an incredibly useful heal, I think a small tweak to this ability will make base be used more often. Like seriously, the windup is so mind-numbingly slow. I want to watch subway surfers while that shits winding up. Yes, it will give more time for marines to dodge it, but now you can place it in advance where the marines are moving. think of the possibilities


It’s not just the wind-up, it’s also the fact that most of the time it does fuckall unless someone gets blasted with most of the acid drops. Wind up, stare at marines. They stare back. Throw grenade. Everyone immediately rests and gets back up in 0.1 picoseconds. Zero damage inflicted. The acid grenade feels very underwhelming to use and fight against for a T3 ability, unlike the pants-shitting terror of a rav shield or gore.


I have developed a version of this nade that spreads acid spray in a radius, for a boiler strain that never came to fruition. Thoughts on it being implemented?

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Seems interesting. If it made marines fall over in pain (like regular acid sprays), I think it’d actually be a useful skill. I mean, almost anything would be an upgrade to the grenade at this point

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Sounds like user error aka skill issue. The grenade is fine if you use it right, and works for its purpose.

Base is already used often because of its dash… its just that warden has op utility. (full heal on command, aswell as strong pheros)

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