The_Swatter - Whitelist Report: Ronnie, Synthetic combat

The_Swatter - Whitelist Report: Ronnie, Synthetic combat

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:


Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:


What rule(s) were broken?:

Synthetic combat

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

I was a defender on LV-522 Chances Claim and was patrolling the colony when I come across 3 gas tanks located in the open space between A-block and security, which I then begin to destroy. As I was doing that, the FORCON synthetic, Ronnie appears from the corner. It sees me but I do not pursue or attack it. I continue to break the gas tanks. Ronnie then for reasons I do not understand decides to attack me with its fire axe. I attempt to disengage after a few blows and Ronnie continues to pursue me all the way to fitness entrance, where it finishes me off. I posed no active threat to it or any other allied personnel and I feel like Synthetic combat rules have been broken.


Hivemind, Defender (SW-876) (watch) hisses, ‘Where are they’
We dig into the Airlock and begin to pry it open.
We pry the Airlock open.
We slash the fueltank!

The fueltank falls apart as its contents spill everywhere!
We slice the fueltank apart!
We stare at Stairs cluelessly.

We slash the fueltank!

The fueltank falls apart as its contents spill everywhere!
We slice the fueltank apart!
Defender (SW-876) has been torn with the fire axe (Wielded) by Ronnie…
We sweep our tail in a wide circle!
Defender (SW-876) swipes its tail.
We ram Ronnie with our armored crest!
Ronnie slams into the ice columns!
Defender (SW-876) has been cleaved with the fire axe (Wielded) by Ronnie…
Ronnie is scalded with hissing green blood!
We try to tackle Ronnie
Defender (SW-876) has been attacked with the fire axe (Wielded) by Ronnie…
Defender (SW-876) has been chopped with the fire axe (Wielded) by Ronnie…

We feel our strength return! We can use Headbutt again!
Ronnie drops what he were holding, his left hand malfunctioning!
We sweep our tail in a wide circle!
We feel our strength return! We can use Headbutt again!

Defender (SW-876) has been cut with the fire axe (Wielded) by Ronnie…

We ram Ronnie with our armored crest!
2ndLt unidentifiable voice [Colony (FORECON)] says, “Ve as”

Defender (SW-876) has been torn with the fire axe (Wielded) by Ronnie…
2ndLt unidentifiable voice [Colony (FORECON)] says, “Ourhi oul ion on”

…You almost hear someone talking…

Defender (SW-876) has died to fire axe at Colony Streets - North from Ronnie


Did this happen before or after marines deployed, and do you remember the round time?


it happened before. A bit after we got defender. Maybe 10-15 minutes in? I am not sure of the exact time. After getting defender I tunneled into a-block, slashed couple APCs and then went to the tanks so say a few minutes after that.


Hi everyone,

After investigating this report we came to a couple of conclusions.
There are a couple of things to take note of:

  • Ronnie is under delta alert due to the enhanced risk of the situation.
  • The defender is destroying critical colony infrastructure such as APCs, welding fuel.
  • The defender is in the vicinity of the Synthetic & their squad, very far off weeds.
    It can be beneficial to think about how an in-universe response to a hostile element would be treated.

Delta alert stipulates that any threat posed to the Synthetic & their team should be exterminated. In this case, you were very far off weeds where the survivors were hastily gathering resources and in their way - Ronnie’s decision to identify you as a threat and neutralize you was well within programming during this heightened alertness state. Thus, no combat programming was violated and this report is denied.

Of course, I always encourage RP but given the fast-paced tempo of Chance’s Claim and how small the window of survival is, it can sometimes be an unrealistic expectation; or detrimental to the survival of the FORECON team. I addressed this to Ronnie.

Have a good day everyone :slight_smile:


Added report:denied, report:synth and removed report:pendinglogs