TheeBiggest - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - TheeBiggest

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?


What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Jane ‘JJ’ Jacobson, Jane Jacobson (CO alt), Katie (Synthetic)

Are you 16 or older?




On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?

Realistically 15 but I could do up to 30


Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

I have moderated CMSS13 for ~3 months

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

Accepted TheeBiggest - Moderator Application (accepted)
Accepted TheeBiggest - Synthetic Application (accepted)
Accepted TheeBiggest - Yautja Application (accepted)
Denied TheeBiggest - Commanding Officer Application (denied)
Denied TheeBiggest - Commanding Officer Application (denied)
TheeBiggest - Commanding Officer Application - #30 (accepted)

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?

I have never been banned.

Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?


Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

I’m not too sure if I’m going to be honest here. I’m not too sure what force is driving me to make another staff application after so long but here I am typing out my answers. I guess Frozen saying “Yolo right it’s 2025 bro we don’t have time for grudges” had me thinking for a few days now so yeah, yolo. As much shit I like to spew, I do genuinely like the game, I like the community. It can be frustrating dealing with community members but it happens no matter where you look. I like helping people, it’s why I applied for staff last time, it’s why I applied for the RP council (lol), and it’s why I applied for Synthetic Council as well. If given the chance again, I would like to continue helping this community. New year, new challenges and if I could be a small help then I’d appreciate the chance to help out once more.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

I guess I’m quite the chatter? I’m not sure, I just like communicating with people, doesn’t matter if I know them or not. I chat with everyone. Besides that, I’m getting to become pretty active again so take advantage while it lasts.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Two things, “honesty is the best policy” and “communication”. I believe staff members should always be honest with the community with dishing out bans, notes, or informing changes. For communication, people can’t read minds and if someone is on the receiving end of a ban/note (besides EORG) they should at least be informed of their wrong doings.

Anything else you want to add?

I’m a bit anxious while making this application, it’s been a long time since I moderated for the game. Whatever the end results may be, I’ll take it as a learning experience. Thank you for your time looking at my application. Any feedback is appreciated.


Pretty level-headed CO and I think they’d make a great mod.


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Biggest you have a history of getting into some rather spicy or heated debates on the discord, and I believe at some point a discord ban if I recall something you said properly which resulted in you losing council?

How long ago was that and have you improved since then?

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I can vouch for their gameplay/roleplay as their character Jane “JJ” Jacobson as a CO and enlisted marine, seen them playing several times in low pop-ish hours which is their time zone I believe, always HRP and pretty active. They are also a Synthetic which is another HRP induced Whitelist though I have not seen their synthetic if it’s anything like their CO, it must be HRP.

They are also an old player from the previous forums that have been through much of the changes CM been through, I remember they applied for one of the whitelists there.

I was not around during their previous Moderator or Councillor times, but if they even made to both these positions once upon a time, they were reliable once, and if it has been a long time, they might have actually changed so could be worthy a chance.


The only discord ban I received was over 2 years ago which was somewhat after losing my moderator role because I posted what I thought was funny but not funny to others in the now deceased #memes channel.

For the council role, I’m not going into depth of it but I decided to drink alcohol during a CO event. Poor decisions were made that day and it resulted in a month suspension of my CO WL and ultimately lead to me losing my councilor position. That all happened within July 2024 then I took my break from CM.

The decision to leave discord at that time was mine to make. For the whole heated debates and whatnot, I’m honestly just sick of them because it’s unproductive discussions and rants. When that realization hits I just cut my losses and stop talking then and there.

My personal life improved while I was away to the point I finally have a car. This year is starting off a little rocky but I’m chilling, things will just be uphill going on from here.


You’ve said it’s been a while since you were last on staff, admittedly you seem to have joined after I left the team myself so I don’t know you personally.

How did you leave staff previously?

What do you think the biggest change has been in server direction since you left?

What are your opinions on the server as it is today and would you change anything if you could make any change you wanted?


These are very good questions, I like these questions. They aren’t something I can just answer and continue with my day. These questions require me to sit down and think about.

  1. Why did I leave staff? Well the answer is I didn’t leave, I was removed. I’ll summarize it to my behavior wasn’t within the standards of staff. I can’t go into detail because I don’t know all the details which is my fault as well.

  2. The biggest changes I’ve noticed is this direction where there’s enforcement to people to be less vulgar with what they say. The word ban on r—d was huge and it was the shift of “this is how CM13 is going to be moderated from here on out.”

  3. I find it pretty annoying there’s no clear vision for the direction of the game itself. It feels like we have a solid management team, good maintainers and yet with all these people and resources they’re never used efficiently. It’s taking years for something to get done when I believe things could get done within a month. A good example is the whole Synth Council purge. That’s being torn down just to be rebuilt back up with guideline changes, mechanic changes and a new (active) WL overseer to assist.

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+1. I like your answers.

I might be mistaken but werent you the person that was removed from staff for using your position and staff powers to harras fellow synth WL holder?

Please correct me if im wrong.


Yes a staff report was made against me because of “harassment”. I never intended to harass them and in no shape or form I used staff powers or my position to harass them.
At the time I was just very excited to see new synthetic players because it was a 3 month gap and the fault is mine for treating them like they were a IRL buddy. It’s been over 2 years since I’ve learned my lesson.

Was I removed from staff solely because of it? No. As mentioned above I don’t know all the details but things were found and I was ultimately removed because of my actions throughout my moderation time.

I’ve already made amends with the person who reported me but they ended up getting cbanned.



So I’ve looked over all the things surrounding the application.

Getting just right into it I dont think previously having been removed from staff is a total blacklist, its a thing to keep in mind and negative but it isnt a total dealbreaker at all.

When it comes to ingame beheviour I’d say its pretty decent. You confirm to the RP rules really well and besides one note after a player report you are decently clean when it comes to notes. That shows that you are still pretty proficient with the rules and probably capable of enforcing them.

For me however I’d say that your mindset and behaviour is an issue. I dont think I’d go as far as calling you actually full on toxic but I’d say lightly toxic at times and abrasive quite often are decently fitting. Its something that shows both ingame and OOC plenty of times and has been a consistent thing, not just one off incidents.

Because of that I will be denying your application today. Sorry.
I’d say that if you’re looking to work on something to be accepted in the future it would be mindset and behaviour. Something like being a mentor can help with that but it would mostly require a switch of mindset.
As a staff member you’re here to help the playerbase and to be friendly to them at basically all times. Sometimes you need to be harsh but your default should be friendly and helpful, and right now thats mostly what I see missing with you for now.