Welcome to the community.
I believe it was a tad harsh, nothing that a leave for a month wouldn’t solve, apparently they got banned for AFK’ing as a ComTech and non Bravo FOB shenanigans/mutiny baiting but then perhaps their note history goes longer than that.
I was the Charlie SL on the round that led to the ban, what happened was that they asked if any squad wanted to do FOB in which Delta SL told to put Charlie on the job and I answered, “Well that would not be ideal but we are up to any job, we do any job well.” and then Bravo SL said they were going to mutiny which led to his arrest.
Few marines of Delta and Charlie were arrested for no reason, so I and Delta SL went to Brig to protest half our squads being arrested for Bravo rioting (Yeah MPs arrested 3 squads and then their 3 Squad Leaders afterward for questioning it), which resulted in Delta SL exploding the Brig and escalating a full riot from there.
Mui themselves didn’t do anything to bait in that round despite asking if anyone else wanted to do FOB duty and the tough luck of having a hardline CMP ready to arrest a rowdy Bravo SL, to be fair for once that round was a fun shenanigan, everybody roleplayed more or less and escalated the fighting and I believe everybody liked the player driven event, both the Marines and MPs, except for those that maybe got unlawfully arrested in the end.
I do believe Delta SL might have been either noted or banned too, which is a shame if it did happen, shows how much of a hug box without player agency the server is becoming.
I mean the C4 into brig was a bit much imo
Anyhow I was laughing my ass off when the sheer precense of Shark caused the Bravo SL to threaten to mutiny causing all of this.
We all miss Bob.
If you were to only consider them doing the XO cyro ahelp thing then sure, but the ban wasn’t for that per se- It was specifically a ‘quality control ban’, which is something staff rarely use on people who don’t do outrageously bad stuff like hard griefing, but have a very extensive note history of mild-medium offences. I’m guessing the XO cyro thing was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I mean without context sure but it wasn’t like he blew 3 walls for griefing, he had reasoning and could just be arrested for the entire round for that as he was, instead of receiving a ban hammer as it is usually the case.
Dude I already accepted that we will not get another Bob Cross XO round but man, I just want to see him one more time, maybe as a rifleman or as a quartermaster, but our prophet is still missing.
Bob Cross CL. We can dream brothers.
I’ll miss the only marine that asked me for the skirts for sure
Is this canon now
Yes. Chisel it on the stone.