This is the office to complain about excessive use of BE

The CO rules also don’t say you can not scream slurs. Do you think a CO would scream slurs. The COs are trusted with a little power but it is more checked than you think.

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The only rules there for what you cannot BE for is more procedure stuff, like “must be personally carried out”
I don’t see the part where it tells you what reasons are not valid

Ok this is a different argument though.
You said earlier that the rules themself limit what COs can BE for. That’s what I’ve been arguing against. I don’t think they do. And now you are bringing up slurs. Which by the way, the rules page specifically says players cannot use slurs (as far as I remember anyway, I’m pretty sure it does)

Cause most COs have proven through the vetting process, and the community votes, that they can be trusted with having a little soap on the rope. Suprise suprise mature people do not need a thousand rules. They already have more than you think, the WL announcements also are filled with reminders that aren’t rules, but you can still be punished for


From what I’ve seen WL stuff heavily relies on spirit of the whitelist rather than just rules as written, you can do a BE that’s perfectly fine according to the rules and still get a suspension aslong as the council thinks it wasn’t an acceptable BE.

This sounds like “spirit of the whitelist” to me, you know, the thing I originally said was what limited COs from BEing every “valid” case.

I literally have lost the point of what you’re arguing as you first said there’s no BE rules and it’s just purely spirt of the WL, denied you said that, then the council doesn’t punis-why am I waisting my time. Think what you want I don’t really care. If you have an issue that involves you directly with a poor BE feel free to report it

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Ok fuck this conversation, I originally say that COs are mainly limited by “spirit of the whitelist” and not rules, this is somehow super controversial and everyone argues with me, and now suddenly everyone seems to agree that they rely on spirit of the whitelist and not strict rules.

The ML and CoC pages each clarify circumstances in which BEs can be performed. That implies you cannot BE in situations not related to what’s described on those same pages. A single PVT disobeying your order to unga is hardly gonna affect the operation. The SADAR doing that unpunished is a waste of a slot and might incite others specs to do the same.
PS: The whitelist exists to keep out the people that can’t understand that.
EDIT: BEing a PVT for misfiring his gun is what would happen without whitelist.


Everyone? You’ve been talking with just Chen for basically the entire time, sure I disagree with you but I’m not really that involved in the discussion.

Please learn to read
I did not say “there’s no BE rules and it’s just purely spirit of the WL”
I said, to quote: “The rules say nothing about COs not being able to use it on a whim”
(which is true and when I asked you to show me where in the rules it says this you instead started bringing up spirit of the whitelist and the idea that mature people don’t need strict rules)

Incorrect. They are explicitly stated to be “non-exhaustive”. So it does not imply that

I literally quoted what you said

Tried to explain there are rules and a spirit of a WL that work together

I’m trying not to be a dick here but it worries me you can +1 apps

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Why am I still typing

You clearly have a set narrative in your mind which is fine that I doubt that I’ll change. You’re free to your opinion

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I really don’t think you understand how it all works. They’re non exhaustive in the sense that the big lines are there but not every specific situation is detailed.

Big line: Threatening your command bad, thus kill the bad man.
Example: That SL is leading his own operation and disregarding your orders

There are obviously many more examples I could give related to the “threaten command” situation and not every case of it is written down. If all the situations in which a BE can be performed aren’t exactly written down, how can you even imagine that a list of cases in which not to BE is.

The big lines give a general idea, common sense helps us recognise situations that are fitting for a BE. Whitelists keep people without common sense and goodwill out.


That’s what I’ve been trying to stress since my first word. The council is not staff. They judge on their own and they don’t pick the side of the COs.

I got in trouble for awarding every pfc a medal but it isn’t written in the rules anywhere

Ask any co member that’s gotten in trouble or even those that have had warnings. I can vouch they don’t favor their own people if they did something stupid or ruined someone’s round in a questionable way

The council is trying to keep a positive image of COs and keep true to the mission of cm. Give everyone a fun time.

This has gotten way off topic

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CO BE’D ME WTF!!! (i didnt realize i wasnt allowed to be a shitter)


To be honest, I’ve never seen you do anything incredibly bad as Gramps. Gramps can get a little cranky and do some questionable shit, but I’ve never seen anything, like, arrest-worthy, much less BE-worthy.

I’m gonna pop a cap in yo ass

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50 replies and growing :herbert:

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