Fax Responder Application - Thisisdunkindonut
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
UTC +13 (NZT)
Player Name You Use Most?
Jason Oddball / Avery Altmann (both see relatively equal use)
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
None applicable.
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
If so, why?
Not applicable.
Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?
Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?
Fax Responders work wonders for making the world of Colonial Marines one you can actually interact with. They do a fair bit to make it feel less like the events on the USS Almayer are taking place within a vacuum and to encourage players taking up sometimes monotonous shipside roles like the MPs and the CL to interact with the mechanics of their role and the other people on the ship. I like the idea of being there to make it so a CL can talk to their supervisor and be encouraged for their efforts to interact with others or taking up the reins of Provost to push MPs to a more interesting solution to situations requiring their involvement. Fax Responder is very much a RP centric role and, as someone who plays CM primarily to RP, it’s something I’d be down to try.
And there is the aspect of taking pressure off of admins to deal with every fax themselves. It’s a lot nicer for everyone when faxes are responded to by someone who has the time to sit down and write a proper reply rather than having an admin hastily write up something because they’re busy with some other matter. It feels nice as a Liason or an MP or anyone else to get your faxes replied to, and being a Fax Responder means that I can help with that.
What do you consider the purpose of this role?
I’d consider the purpose of the Fax Responder to be two-fold.
Firstly, there is the roleplay aspect. It’s the job of a Fax Responder to reward unique interactions or just interaction in general. Survivors arrived on the Almayer? Encourage the CL to interview them to find out what happened, and then make sure they sign NDAs so they don’t go blabbing about what they saw. MPs think the MTs are stockpiling weapons? Get them to investigate and maybe interrogate the CE as to why they didn’t catch on. The foremost purpose of the role is to promote those kinds of interactions through the use of faxes.
Secondly, there’s the admin aspect. Admins can’t be checking through every fax that comes through, because they’re busy doing their jobs. It’s the role of a Fax Responder to look at what they’ve been sent and gauge whether admin intervention is required. The main examples of this would be approving/denying requests to arrest the CO as HC/Provost or somebody sending you a fax suggesting they’re going to sabotage the USCM, but there’s obviously room for more specific cases like the CL admitting they’re growing xenos without the COs approval or an illegal execution being carried out.
In essence, it’s two jobs. One is to encourage interaction and RP aboard the USS Almayer by both responding to faxes and sending new ones so as to create reasons for characters to talk to one another and, you know, interact. The other is to make sure no potentially shady stuff slips past the admins through faxes and to expedite the ability of admins to respond to things brought up in these faxes.
When would you consider it appropriate to use your phone?
Only under dire circumstances. The main case would be if something is highly time sensitive and there isn’t sufficient time to write up a proper and formal fax to deal with it. Things like an imminent potentially unlawful execution, the CO about to carry out a BE on someone of high importance, the CL imminently being arrested on false charges, anything that would justify an urgent response from the relevant authority. In most cases where it would be used, it’s typically when an ahelp is in order as the situation may require heavy intervention. It should be an exceptionally rare occurrence reserved only for desperate times when every second counts.
If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?
Generally anything that wouldn’t push the CL into antag territory. Things like:
- Get research to write a report on the characteristics of a particular strain of XX-121.
- Recover an item of particular importance based on the map. Or, more likely, find a way to get a marine to do it discreetly.
- Interview recovered survivors.
- Get someone of particular importance to sign a given document, such as having the CMO sign an NDA so they don’t discuss what’s developed in research.
Generally, so long as the objective itself doesn’t require any illegal or overly dangerous acts to be performed for it to be carried out and it would make sense that the Company wants it done, it’s fair game.
If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?
For the most part, you just want to encourage the CC to do the job they’re already doing. Get them to tape the briefing and get a candid photo of the commander giving their rallying speech to the marines. Have them write up a review of the mess techs cooking and how dubiously tolerable it is. Maybe go and contrast it against the vending machine food or the stuff the marines get. Encourage them to talk to a marine on the ground about how the operation is going and their past experiences in the corps. Get em to check in on how research is progressing and what miracle breakthroughs they’ve developed. Have the OT give a simulated demonstration of their latest super-bomb. Suggest they hound the Liason for any and all information about what this incident has to do with the Company. See if they can try to get evidence on the colony of how the outbreak started. Try to get them an interview with the survivors so that the public can hear about what happened. Maybe get a report after the victory/defeat of the marines from the commander about how the operation went. Overall, get the CC to do their job and find out “The Truth” so then you’ve got a good story to feed to the public. So long as they end up with something interesting to tell, you’ve done your job.
What is your playtime in Command Roles?
Total - 30.2hrs, XO - 5.9hrs, SO - 24.3hrs, I would add ASO but 1. I have rather little playtime as ASO and 2. I didn’t factor them into my calculations because I didn’t realize they’d been added to the list of “command” roles
What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?
Total - 76.8hrs, CMP - 43.6hrs, Warden - 8.5hrs, MP - 24.7hrs
What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?
What is your playtime in Civil Roles?
What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?
None logged, I was supposed to be a Corporate Security Guard for one minor event but was unable to due to the server repeatedly crashing from a DDOS before I’d even really had the chance to say a word on the ship.