A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?
Given the unique approach I’m trying to take with the whitelist, there’s two ways you can approach every situation. One, is from the perspective of your clan and your character, and the other is from the whitelisted player perspective. A member of the Ul’uan might choose to withdraw from the situation. The Ul’uan abhor plasma weaponry, so stun spamming them is out of the question. If they are attempting to roleplay, it’s in the spirit of the whitelist to entertain them. I can talk more on this.
Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?
The Ul’uan specifically aren’t sport hunters, and don’t really give a shit about claiming the trophy. What they do care about is if the target prey is being respected properly. If the other Yautja is interfering with the Ul’uan hunting rituals, for instance returning the body of a Marine that the Ul’uan had killed, then there are grounds for some roleplay escalation along the lines of “cultural differences”. I think immediate jumps to honor duels can be silly. Again, I can go on here, and I look forward to talking it through with the council as to what exactly this type of gameplay will look like.
One of the best Yautja lore and story written simultaneously. Amazing details and genuine care for the lore, world-building and characterization being put on display.
Hey guys, ryan gosling here. I want to post this by saying thwomp is the easiest +1 I will ever give in my life. His story is superb, everything he put down is full commitment and passion to something. Thwomp is an incredible member of CM, from his echo work to even all the smuggling RP does. He has an amazing grasp on what makes this game great and he has VISION for the clan.
Thank you for reading. Remember guys! [INSERT INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE]
On a more serious note he’s an excellent rp’er and has clearly put alot of thought and effort into his story and clan. I can’t wait to smoke pred weed with you
Good story, almost as if they understand the whitelist to a high level or something. I heard they sprite occasionally? Might be good at roleplay who knows. +1
Please supply proof of your completion of the videogame Alien Vs Predator (2010) Predator campaign on nightmare difficulty and tell me what clan the protagonist is from, thank you