tips for playing base/bezerker ravager?

give me your tips and tricks, I die often as non hedgehog rav


hit slashes, position around sadar, don’t waste apprehend


pick your fights


stick close to cover and/or teammates if not sure you’ll survive, bait marines, dont overextend or extend for too long, work with teammates


i don’t play zerkers that much, but from what i can make note off is unlike the hedgehog you can’t solo dive. as a hog you can close in even over fairly long streaks of open ground, and still make it out alive if got just bit of luck. zerks not so much, so focus on corner camping and gas diving.

also zerks can become very tanky but need to stack hits and get up there rage… more or less you need to pick fights where you can reliably get at lest one hit in to start the ball rolling.


For the love of god don’t be the guy who rushes solo into the unga horde just to hit eviscerate/gib and then run back out. You are going to die.


All it takes is one zerker rav and queen screech for the marine frontline to wipe. Base rav has a very high skill ceiling and is situational imo, I would focus playing zerker rav as it is the highest potential caste.

Like others have said, it is better to wait and follow up on other xeno attacks/stuns. The best would be for after queen screech as you are aiming for generating those rage stacks. At max rage you will try to use your evicerate on a group of marines, preferably on a medic healing group. I would not chase if you do not have apprehend up or rage stacks as it is easy to overextend and die.

If you need to initiate on a marine that is trying to kite you, apprehend and a tailstab can apply the slow debuff on the marine and allow you to get slashes off easier.
Edit: vod after that round :slight_smile:


For most of the round in the video I had spent it back lining as a lurker, I only evo’d into ravager and went zerker when queen got off ovi just because of how strong it is as a combo.

Starting out in a round just focus on picking on groups of two or three and use your speed boost to get at least a couple slashes off. Play it carefully like an ambush caste (seeing as you evolve up from runner and lurker). Your best moments are with other xenos that stun for a long time (e.g. warrior or lurker as some of the best examples). Use their stun to get free slashes so you can max out rage. Once you hit max you can either start just focusing down sole marines if there aren’t lots of them around, or go for an eviscerate if there is a decent sized group. Use clothesline when you have at least one rage stack to pretty much full heal. Don’t be afraid to play passively and just wait on key moments when you can really do damage.

When queen gets off ovi you should just stick to her like glue and try get max rage eviscerates off on her screeches. Some of the best moments are in packed chokes or in the dropships just because of how many marines can be in a 5x5 area. Also you can now respec your strain, so you could just play hedge until queen deovi’s and then respec into zerker.

I mainly try to abuse stuns seeing as combat is based around them, but there are some players who are godly at it without them.


yeah i was a pred in that round and vox had 6 kills attributed to their mob as a lurker, and 9+ when they were a ravager. Extremely good lurker and rav, take their advice to heart