Discord Ban Appeal - trucker1998
What is your Discord ID?
What is your BYOND key?
Total Ban Duration
Reason for Ban
Discord ToS violation, refused to comply when asked to correct, as per https://discord.com/guidelines: Do not make sexually explicit content available to anyone under the age of 18. … Do not post sexually explicit content in user avatars, custom statuses or bios, server banners, server icons, invite splashes, emoji, stickers, or any other space that cannot be age-restricted.
If I remember right what happened was that I had spotify integration on while I had a song playing with some NSFW song titles and it was showing up on my status. Either I or somebody mentioned it in the haha lol wtf kind of way. I liked the attention so I decided to egg everyone on for a while and during that I think I either misunderstood/missed/ignored admin pings. After the ban I decided to take a year to two year long break from SS13 as a whole (maybe, I think I played beestation for a bit after the ban then I got burned out on the game) and then I mellowed out. I know that’s just my word so I understand if you can’t trust me with that. With the hindsight I have now though i realize my hubris got the best of me so please forgive my past transgressions, I’d like to be part of the community again. and also i dont listen to that stuff anymore :thumbs_up: