TTS and being LRP

I wanted to post this as a comment under the “TTS in CM13” post but i think this is a “issue” that deserves a whole post

If we start banning people for being LRP with the TTS, staff will have to start banning/warning people for being LRP generaly in the game as why do you eat a ban for 3 hours for being LRP on TTS and you get just a warn for being LRP in general? I have played this game for a while now and the most fun things were trying out new loadouts/roles and interactions with other marines, aspecialy if they were comicly LRP in the dropship or brief, CM has a deep history with such things, Dr. Tramadillo OD as i know him to say the most recent example. or that one guy who only ever said greg (or was it grug?) and every marine loved him for it

as a side thing i wanted to talk about first impressions of privates, CM is marketed as a MRP server where you can shoot xenos, most people fit in MRP and LRP (mostly depending on their role) and its generaly less “”““cool””" like TGMC is and we take ourselfs more seriously
what would adding a TTS on by default do to this? thats also why doing some LRP stuff, for example being Revolver ‘shashlik’ Ocelot and quoting the character will “ruin” the game for others while without TTS you were able to just ignore them for the whole round, now you either hear noone or everyone as BYONd is NOT able to mute certain players (not yet at least) just for you

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because it’s a testmerge where you have been explicitly told not to be LRP

TTS should be disabled by default no doubt about it


Once ppl get over the hype it’ll just blend in. People will stop being annoying with it.

Try roleplaying with the change, and you will find it significantly easier imo

It’s fun to actually have a voice for a character.

Lrp is already against the rules so nothing is gonna change long-term


It definitely feels strange to instant ban for lrp with it enabled but not otherwise, even as a ‘testmerge’. Shouldn’t change anything whatsoever.

I’m waiting for the flood of staff reports for people getting banned for things that they could say normally but can’t now due to arbitrary thing pushed upon them.


PR was closed. I am glad it was but appreciate the boldness.


People shot down a QoL feature they could just disable just over some scary tales about LRP. I already made an example, but notice how people don’t shoot each other generally for no reason. It should be way funnier than saying dumb stuff in chat, yet people avoid doing it. Wonder why? Because you will get banned if you do.

This LRP issue was completely made up, people would get used to the new toy and get over it. And we would have a great tool for roleplay and just a nice qol thing. There is only so many things you can look at at the same moment, so being able to use your ears to navigate through the chaos of the battlefield would be very nice. Now we won’t have it just because of some actual luddites who just hate new things and have no actual arguments to make.

And yes, LRP is against the rules already. Maybe if people were punished for being LRP before the TM, we would not have any issues during the TM.


I said this in another thread, but from my experience in moderating during the Test Merge, I felt there were overall few LRP incidents needing administrative action.

The community, overall, was very quick to call out people doing LRP or zero-roleplay actions with the TTS via admin helps or LOOC interactions. I feel this is very worthy to mention as it showcases a general community desire to self-correct issues to ensure a higher standard of roleplay and gameplay is upheld, which leads hope that this feature can be adopted.

There will always be people who break the rules, but we’ve rarely let that stop us expanding on features.


This kind of stuff always happens when something like this is first introduced, the novelty wears off after a bit, I did see alot of well known members acting in an embarassing manner in the discord over a test merge though, which is a shame and unexpected.


I wonder whether people saying “skibidi toilet rizz” IC is considered LRP only because TTS was on. Clearly TTS was the problem, right?
Can I name my character John A.W. Gyatt?


As long as we don’t introduce any mechanical change to the game :space_invader: (I hate changes, any change is LRP), yes, technically a destroyer ship is a weapon, right? And it predates Vietnam.


Holy shit mods are finished


A destroyer ship is not a weapon, but the ship was named after a person with the last name gyatt.

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make something called “destroyer” as a weapon against the enemies of the Crown
100 years later some nerd says its not a weapon to “preserve rp”

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What i’m saying is you should remove the A.W, then RP is preserved.


A.W. gyatt destroyer
Ultimate a.w. name


Don’t forget about A.W. Rizzi named after another warship and A.W Ohio named after a submarine (this however is 3 years too late, technically LRP).

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Destroyers are totally weapons.

A weapon is a tool for violence, an instrument of war


a destroyer is a vehicle, a vehicle is a not a weapon. A destroyer has weapons on it but it is not a weapon itself, you don’t kill someone with a destroyer, you kill someone with the guns on the destroyer.

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PFC John Gyatt, PVT Jane Rizzi and Researcher Albert Coomer on their way to MRP the server (there is no mechanical change and TTS is closed, MRP saved).