Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?
Lysa Pierce, LY-Y
What are your playtimes?
Yautja Info:
What’s the name of your Yautja?
Sraa’ko (Nhon)
What clan are you joining?
If minor: Give your clan lore.
Yautja Character Story:
A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?
If we’re near an important area, then I would retreat to a more isolated location; otherwise, I would cloak and stalk the group from out of sight, taunting them occasionally until I can find an opportunity to abduct or otherwise isolate one of them for some roleplay and a duel. Bonus points if I can return their body by leaving it along the path of the rest of the hunting group.
While an all-out brawl with a large group like this isn’t off the table, it likely wouldn’t be my first choice.
Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?
If the marked target attacked the other Yautja first or their death was the result of them being dishonorable, then it would be begrudgingly overlooked. If that isn’t the case, then this is an unmistakable insult and it’s not something that a respectable hunter can simply ignore. If the other Yautja admits fault and apologizes, then I would use their “mistake” as leverage to get them to share a story, secret, or other valuable bit of knowledge. If not, then this eventually ends in an honor duel.
Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Especially those of you that encouraged me to apply or read my story prior.
Nice player, pleasant to interact with on discord and in-game (haven’t seen much of the latter because timezones, but I still want to leave my +1)
Fun fact
Your pred’s name “Sraa’ko” sounds too much like “Sraka”, a vulgar Russian (perhaps Ukrainian as well) word that refers to “rear end” and one well-known substance. I wonder if that’s intentional
I dont know how to read predator stories but Lysa Pierce has always been an awesome player and character, I dont think ive ever seen them break character once or make poor decisions.
They say formatting isn’t necessary in application stories, but this shit looks like an actual fucking novel with how you’ve laid it out- Boosts engagement by an order of magnitude.
Very epic story, showcases character well.
Tyranicranger plays one of the most competent medics out there, and it’s always been a pleasure to interact with them in-game. I have full confidence they will be a fantastic addition to the predator WL- They play by the rules, RP well and are a generally nice guy- No doubt the spirit of the WL is safe with this one!
I’ve had a lot of awesome interactions with Tyranic in and outside of the game. They’re active on the Discord and are always willing to help another player out. I’ve never seen any form of outbursts from them even if they’re treated unfairly. Great roleplayer.
I think this player has a lot to offer to the WL and should totally be accepted. +1!
Fat +1.
I can’t really vouch for a lot for their RP ability because I haven’t really RP’d with them a lot. HOWEVER, what I can attest to is that this player might be one of the most devoted CM players hands down, they have less than 1k hours and yet they know far more than people with more than 1k hours played because they actually care about the game and it shows, and on top of that I’ve never seen them having a shitty interaction with anyone either IC or OOC, if anything I’ve seen the opposite, also I’ve never seen from them a notoriously LRP incident. There is just no way in hell that they will let down the WL.
-1 for choosing clan Nhon. We already have enough of the unrobust preds in that clan anyways.
+2 for being a wonderful player in general. I’ve never had a bad experience with them. And I always enjoyed RPing with them during the later ends of the night. I always saw them as a sweet IC character. I’m sure they can be trusted with the WL. Their answers are also reasonable with a hint of common sense.