Thank you for the +1!
As to clan choice, I unfortunately must state my most memorable moment of witnessing the nhon clan was your character comparing their millenia old nokia bracer tech with another. L.
I’ll be sure to keep that in mind, I can definitely understand why it’d be important! Not my favorite swathe of roles but I’ll try to get some more hours in as some of the ground roles. I’ve been meaning to play some regular ol’ marine roles as of late anywho.
As to the questions-
Q1: The CO accidently sets you on fire while you were observing the frontline, after you uncloak they continue shooting what do you do?
Initially being shot whilst on the frontline should be nothing unexpected, bullets are flying everywhere and I’d wager a yajuta would consider it a mere environmental hazard when they decide to park themselves near an active battlefront. However, if the CO purposefully continued to fire upon me after uncloaking, they have opened themselves up to being huntable according to the honor code. It’s likely I would draw my weapon and begin to attack them in return, aiming to kill them for their slight (attacking me), then leave it there assuming that goal is achieved. It’s the frontline, so OOCly my goal would be to try to minimize my impact on the front whilst handling the IC obligation handed to my character - it’d be a cowardly move to run after being shot and thus provoked, after all. It’s important to note I would only be engaging the CO and simply ignore every other person engaging me.
Honor code forbids me from killing them permanently except in specific circumstances and for sake of brevity let’s assume these circumstances haven’t been met (They certainly haven’t directly led a hunting party against me, but the second clause of ‘Important personnel’ is a bit more subjective.), nor do I feel like it’s oocly appropriate to consider it in the first place, but I include it to cover all the ground. In addition, I’d probably ensure my self-destruct is set to the smallest setting (There’s only two settings iirc?) just incase, because it’s the frontline and frankly the unga hivemind is probably already shooting me if the CO is and if not, they will once I start attacking the CO. I’d rather not pull the fumble of the year in the worst case. I’m not as clear as the rules on what I can take from someone as important as the CO in regards to trophies besides what the HC lists in regards to special equipment so I probably wouldn’t bother - in addition Thwu’Kril as a character would probably consider any trophy from a prey attacking her admist a massive allied force as subpar. What right does a hand from a coward have to stand amongst her other trophies of worthy prey that stood alone against her?
Q2: A scout takes a picture of you and cloaks, how do you react?
This is a bit more of a tough one. If I recall correctly, CC’s and the like that take photos of predators tend to get themselves attacked or forced to relinquish the photos, one way or another. I’d most likely attempt to track them down, utilizing non-lethal mode on my plasma caster to yoink them to somewhere a bit remote and say something along the lines of. “You will have to earn the right to that.” - stealing the photo by checking their things - which should also force them to decloak once I remove their cloak. I’ll let them re-equip their things and I’ll stash the photo away in da hunting pouch before saying something along the lines of “Shall you fight or shall you run, coward?” - I’d let them choose where to go from there, fighting them honorably if they choose to fight and otherwise letting them run whilst mocking them a little - assuming they don’t take another photo. If they do, well they’re going to get attacked (via honorable means), preferably killed, their new photo yoinked and then tossed to a medic I can find/the FOB. If they try to attack me whilst cloaked at any time during this it does open me to use dishonorable weapons, but generally speaking I don’t see the need to do so unless some exceptional circumstance arises.
Q3: one of the synthetics tries stealing the person you’re dueling to heal them, what do you do?
According to the HC, synthetics are normally un-worthy/unhuntable, however by interfering in a duel/hunt they’re designated huntable if we assume they’re simply only trying to drag/yoink the person away. They are not dishonorable and I have the option to engage them with honorable combat means- at which point any response they give will not mark them dishonorable. If their ‘theft’ includes trying to disarm me or a direct attack I can use dishonorable means to dispatch them if I saw fit.
With that clear, I’d probably attempt to utilize the non-lethal caster mode to disable the synthetic for just a moment- it’s all I need to grab the guy and drag them off elsewhere to continue the duel. This is the most likely outcome but I am also within my right to attack the synthetic with intent to disable(kill) them before continuing the duel with the person. However the latter is simply less likely, as Thwu’Kril’s view on synthetics would be that of equipment. It’s merely doing what it’s programmed to do and is beneath her notice for the most part, not exactly worth fighting even if technically huntable at that point.