Update Your Fucking Drivers.

Now. Do it now.

Game stuttering but the ping looks fine? Its your drivers, probably. Update them.
Got a new fancy PC that should be able to run anything on earth but it stutters at Minecraft? Drivers. Update them.
CS2 warns you that your drivers are out of date? They are. Update them.

‘B-B-But! I… I don’t know how!’ I hear you cry. Its quite simple. Look up. Nvidia needs some stupid Nvidia app, widows can allegedly update drivers themselves.

This is genuine. Update your drivers, dont be like me.


In good news, now I can picture-in-picture Jerma985 while playing CM:SS13. Livin’ the life.

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i will never update my drivers


I have found out it was not the driver that was my issue in cm, it was my shitty little screen. Now with a ultra wide curved 34" where every sprite is bigger than my thumb, the sprite clicking is stupid easy. You dont see the landmine? I see it as a brick, screaming “i am here!”

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You guys play CM?

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Don’t update your drivers. Old drivers served you well, they are trustworthy. Meanwhile new drivers are full of bugs and barely tested. Maybe even full of bitcoin miners.

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How do i update my drivers

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You can’t make me.


I was about to say no, but I caught a glance. Thanks chief. I’ll do it right away!

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I had to make this post after scratching my head for about three hours as to why Minecraft was running at 11fps on a computer with an RTX card and more than enough ram.

If you can install Byond, you probably know to occasionally update your drivers.
(I didn’t)

Anyways we’re in acid goop, who cares. I’m actually being paid off by Nvidia to push their stupid third-party driver application, part of an evil movement headed by Adobe to minimise the amount of free storage that you ‘gamers’ have.
You will have no storage untaken. Mwahahaha! Mwaaaahhahhhhahahahah!!!

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Called it.

Update my whatnow? I’ll just throw the computer into a dumpster and get a brand new one from a foreign sweat shop in under 3 days with Prime man.