After some more rifleman hours I have, I believe, perfected the best rifleman build I could come up with. There have been changes since the last post so rate this one and let me know what yall think.
Armor: Ideally light armor if you want the most out of it. I personally like to get medium for the drip and that extra slot. It’s filled with M41A mags.
Armor slot: MD
Helmet: 2 Unga flasks and whatever cosmetic you want for that marine drip.
Uniform: Webbing vest with a CCDP nade for you since it has the best range and kill potential, MRE, splints, crowbar binos.
Back: M41A Mk2 pulse rifle. Attachments EB, solid stock, reflex and vertical grip. Apparently this thing has the most range as it can get at 32.8 meters of accurate range (cap is 32 mind you). Scatter and recoil are the lowest at 0.1 wielded and for burst somehow the scatter multiplier is -2.
Belt: Mag belt, 3 extended M41A mags 2 normal.
Pouches: Tool pouch, E-tool, wire cutter, wrench small extinguisher. Mag pouch full of M41A AP mags.
Ear slot: Screwdriver.
With this loadout you can do pretty much anything you want and you have great utility for a rifleman. The biggest change was the removal of the autoinjector pouch. As I was playing I realised it was far easier to just take a couple sips from the canteen rather than take time to windup for 3 different injectors or find a doc. It also freed my pouch slot for the tool pouch, meaning 2 extra slots for tools and 3 extra for more mags. With this loadout you can last long in the field while you can face any threat, armored or unarmored.
Why not just have a satchel filled with stuff, but with enough space to hold MD, so that when you need to holster your gun, you take out MD from suit slot and put your gun there and MD to the satchel. I’m doing that constantly and it seems like natural evolution from carrying a gun on your back slot.
Helmet: canteen with unga, smoke pack with zippo, whistle
Chest: light armor with fold up map, and megaphone. Webbing with 3 ap battle riffle mags
Belt: MD
Back: m41a battle riffle with bayonet, smart scope,very grip. Radiobackpack
Pouches: flare and refill Injectors
Sally support rifleman here being your best buddy when that warrior lunges and grabs you
Armor: Medium armor with 3 unga flasks.
Armor slot: General pouch full of unga flasks.
Helmet: 2 unga flasks
webbing: Webbing vest full of unga flasks
belt slot: MD… Just kidding, general pouch with unga flasks.
backpack slot: Backpack full of unga.
1st pouch slot: Large general pouch full of unga flasks.
2nd pouch slot: Large general pouch full of unga flasks.
Left hand: Machete
Right hand: MD
This is my ideal RFN loadout, this got me all the way from bronze to platinum elo.
tool pouch seems mostly unneccesary, the only tool I’d really ever take as RFN would be crowbar for doors, you don’t really need to wrench or wirecut at all. Also, gauze in helmet slot is a godsend for small bleeds you rack up so you dont need to cry for a medic to kiss your boo boo constantly
Grug chungus loadout:
Helmet with drip and unga flask (WY flask because I’m a corporate sellout)
Tactical mask because I gotta be styling
B12 armor loaded with 1-3 rifle AP mags and the rest regular mags
Webbing with gauze, splints, and bicard kelo tramadol injectors
Shotgun with buckshot, mag harness, bayonet, and angled grip. As the CO intended
Shotgun belt with metric fuck ton of buckshot
Pulse rifle with angled grip (or master key if I’m going full unga), reflex, and extended barrel
2 magazine pouches full of rifle mags