Usage of each Sentry

I’m interested in hearing your guys’ thoughts on this - what is the best way to use each sentry?
Including sub-types wherein they have a different unique usage. Also, what’s your favourite? Mine’s still the standard sentry flamer.

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Well for starters area denial. Except the upgraded fire sentry that also does a lot of FF


Only talking about the omni and standard flamer ones since I only use those. For the omni I just place it near medics so they don’t have to think that much harder about a tail stabbing acid runner, the 50 million unfunny lesser drones rushing to tailstab then die, or the sneaky hugger getting a easy hug. For the standard flamer just place it in a choke and watch as anything runs away until a rav comes and kill the sentry because others refuse to shoot. Also I HATE THE PLASMA SENTRY SHIT ONLY HITS MARINES LEAVE IT AT FOB thaaaaaaaaanks :3


Omni sentry I use for frontline medic defence to bat away huggers which feels really nice to support the team with.

Mini sentry I have as a frontline battle buddy to shoot the queen when she comes in for a screech. You can walk over it and it does pretty decent damage that it can bat away the odd runner or make the queen leave slightly sooner.

Not a fan of the other sentries but that’s because I’ve had either bad luck or just don’t vibe with them.

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Omnisentry - Protecting triage/pillboxes

DMR - Insanely good at annoying backliners away from comms / FOB

Base Sentry - Standard choke sentry

Mini Sentry - Better version of base

Flamer Sentry - Good for fob/comms chokes without much open area, can also be used at the front but it will probably get destroyed

Mini Flanmer - Worse flamer sentry (can meme with it and put it in a bush to troll backliners but that is about it)

Plasma - Don’t.


Base sentry: good deterrent
DMR: frontline comrade sentry to help with pushes and annoy xenos
Mini sentry: hello, Req, it’s Alpha CT. We need 5 billion drums to kill xeno larvae. Slava USCM! (This thing pisses on xenos, literally: no damage, no range)
Omni sentry: yes, I put this thing right in front of a cade. Range demands it!
Shotgun: has accuracy and reaction speed of a heavily intoxicated, blind sloth. Desperately tries to stun xenos, but can’t even hit any

Base flamer: runner/crusher cucker. Excellent in defense, bad in offense
Mini flamer: flamer, but worse
Plasma: FF machine, top tier xenoagent gun

Tesla: bad, unless you want to annoy T1s
Mini Tesla: gigashit sentry
Overclocked Tesla: good at psychological warfare, not so good in actually helping you kill shit

JIMA: useless, but looks cool
Extended JIMA: useless, and looks meh
Warbanner: useless, and looks cringe


Ever since they nerfed OC tezla, base flamer sentry is the only one that puts fear in the xenos eyes. Old OC tezla would zap the moment something entered it range and not 2seconds that even allows a hugger to hug while in it’s range while not even doing a single point of damage

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Bring back bell tower : (


i actually disagree with the base flamer description there, it’s good against every non fire-immune caste and basically forces them to disengage, i think it’s good on offence if you set up cade lines to prevent counteroffensives and secure ground

obviously more difficult on some maps with more flanking potential (especially for queen to screech and take the sentry)

i think that more engineers should rescue turrets when they’re being destroyed

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Yes, base flamer converts xenos into a well-done steaks

IMHO, bold runners and crushers are the ones who suffer the most from it. The former can’t chip away at the cades, and the latter can’t ram them without any consequences

My only issue with flamer on the offense is:

  • unga run
  • unga step into fire
  • unga bump unga into fire
  • xenos push and add even more fire

If not for the risk of FF - I’d use that thing in pushes just like I do with DMR


that’s a great point about FF actually

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I find it funny that every upgrade besides DMR and overclocked Tesla (and JIMA, I guess…) actually makes the sentry worse

It’s almost like marine weapons, where everything besides M41A is so situational that it’s useless

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Base sentry gun : 30 damage, 500 rounds, basic, can do everything and is okay to be plopped down for anything.
DMR sentry gun : 60 damage, 500 rounds but a WHOPPING 10 range. My 2nd prefered sentry for backline and frontline support while it remains effective even if you push in, thus extending range to target.
Shotgun sentry gun : Very few shots, too long to react so doesn’t work if used as a form of ambush (LV bushes hydro road bushes for exemple), abysmal range (2) and cone of fire and will miss most pellets on moving targets and not stun them most of the time. Still haven’t managed to make it REMOTELY useful.
Mini sentry gun : 12 damage, your BOOT KNIFE will do a better job than this, not worth an upgrade.
Omni sentry gun : Decent sentry to plop amongst the medics

Base flamer : Previously the ASSAULT sentry upgrade (blue flames), crusher’s/defenders bane and my 3rd prefered sentry, just hope it doesn’t light up some poor unga that gets pounced. Very good for defense and holding flanks by itself, so long as the attacker isn’t a rav/queen. Just grab something that is good to deal with said rav and queen.
Plasma flamer : FF Major
Mini flamer : Flamer but can be walked on and shoots naptal (orange flames) instead. Not worth the upgrade.

Base flag : sorta bad due to it’s small range, atleast can be walked on now compared to before.
Extended flag : Decent with it’s 10 x 10 range and retaining the same buff power as base (CO+1), can be put a bit more afar from cades and affect many more people.
Warbanner flag : Not worth it, would be a decent choice if it had more range, the buff lasted longer after you leave it’s range or had a stronger buff.

Base tesla : Just an annoyance
Mini tesla : Just something that TRIES to be an annoyance.
Overclocked tesla : My n°1 sentry for both front and backline. Xenos WILL target it on sight. Will protect you from lurkers and runners and can actually be used as a trap or safezone from them. Won’t be able to hold a flank alone from any threat though. Plop it down in an open area with cades or around corners/out of sight if on the backline.


all of the regular sentry turrets have their own unique usages, the idea of sentry upgrades just hasn’t really gotten to the other ones as much as it has the sentry and the flamer (albeit, the flamer upgrades aren’t super well thought out)

as for the m41 being the only good gun, i completely disagree with you on many levels, not the least including the situations not being uncommon, attachment choices, ammunition choices, FF, and storage space


use the DMR sentry to kill hugger players


honestly, every time i get hugged by a placer facehugger i get closer to just doing this out of spite lmao

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its still in the code, and i gotta say… its kinda shit.
Like really, its so bad. A Tesla tower is legit just better.

And its also broken code wise, the tower keeps working even if it breaks.

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