USCM Dossier - Eden Moriah


------------- United States Colonial Marines Personnel Record -------------

Name: Eden Moriah
Age: Biological: 27 Chronological: 178
Gender: Male
Status: Deceased
Place of birth: USA, Nevada
Blood Type: O-
Rank: First Lieutenant

Medical Records

Due to the prolonged exposure to cyrosleep, subjects hair have turned completely white.

The subject was diagnosed with asthma, he claimed it was because: “I sat in small spaces for an extended period of time.”

The subject has been diagnosed with split personality disorder.

Due to an incident relating to a powerloader, intoxication and a cargo technician, the subject had his head almost cut off, resulting in a permanent scar in the neck area

Eden Moriah has passed away on 5th of November 2189 due to suffocating in a crate. Per his request, his body was put in a cryogenic pod, so he can be “saved in the future.”

Criminal Records

November 17th, 2167 Eden Moriah was caught stealing felines from a local colony during a operation. His motive was “Its mine now!” - Theft and Resisting arrest.

December 5th, 2172 Eden Moriah broke into the private bathroom of the CMO to steal their brown hair dye. After being caught, he stated that he will comply if he was given the dye - Breaking and entering, Damage to Government Property, Theft.

September 8th, 2178 While intoxicated, he made his way into the requesisions area and entered a powerloader, he then attacked the local Cargo Technician and Quartermaster right before falling into the ASRS pit. - Damage to Government Property, Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct, Neglect of Duty, Assault


Magdalene Moriah - Eden’s long-lost mother. She was never found, but Eden claims that she lived with him until an incident caused her death. Cause of said death is still unknown and Eden refuses to say what happened. Eden was 6 when his mother passed away.

████ Moriah - Eden’s Father. Little is known about him, as Eden was 5 when his father left the family. He had a habit of drinking and gambling.

“Uncle Bob” - Eden claims to have lived 13 years with him after his mother passed away. All he can remember is that his name was Bob and he was his uncle.


Major Steve Murphy - Eden has a habit of drinking with Murphy after every operation, successful or not. He often refers to Murphy as “His man” and “Buddy.”. Murphy does not know who Eden really is but he enjoys drinking with him anyway.

Major Isabel Lopits - Eden was seen screaming “MY LIFE FOR ISABEL LOPTIS” on the battlefield when charging alone into a group of heavily armed CLF soldiers. He somehow lived but did not take any of the soldiers down. After the fact, he stated, “I’d do it again”.

Corporal Saffi Adama - His “most trusted nurse”. Saffi once inserted a cat into Eden’s chest cavity, the cat was unharmed, and Saffi has received a 2 year sentence for animal abuse. “It was funny though” - Eden Moriah

Executive Specialist Eka Aimise - The “only good corporate dog”. Eden helped Eka through her tough days at the clown college. Eventually Eka managed to pass and got her Clowning licence and a free spot at WY.

Private First Class Hadrianna Greywood - Eden “helped” with her rat problem at Req, and by helped i mean he changed a 5 rat problem into a 50 rat disaster.The rats from the incident are still found in Requisitions to this day

Private First Class Caden Thomas - Before Eden took on medicine, he became a Maintance technician seemingly to get closer to her. One day they both went to the CMPs office, removed his toilet wall and replaced it with a window. The CMP was baffled and let them go easy.

Lance Corporal Moren Rathens - Eden claims that Moren is actually 3 gnomes in a suit pretending to be human. This is unconfirmed.


For some reason, this is giving me Jonas Harper vibes, or whatever his name was.

(For those who haven’t played Aliens: Dark Descent, Harper was a mentally ill scientist who led a cult :rofl:)


bish bash bosh, and bob’s your uncle


MY HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERO :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wait a second, which one are you again?? :beers:


hey this is really cool! i love these little dossiers, i wish more people made them :3


lol owned




Excellent Dossier.


Can a cat in one’s chest cavity, hypothetically, kill chestbursters in there?


You are a genius


dude was 178 chronological years old at the time of his death in 2189.
he was born in 2014.

Eden Moriah was an ipad child. He grew up on tiktok.


Somehow I’m not suprised lmao