USCM Dossier - Grayson Hunt


“Falling Falcons”

Restricted Access Granted: Welcome, Victor.

Basic Information

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Last Name: Hunt

First Name: Grayson

Nickname: Gray

Place of Birth: Unknown Sector Redacted

Place of Residency: USS Widower

Gender: Male

DoB: Unknown

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Style: Coffeehouse Cut

Eye Color: Black


Six foot, Two Inches Tall (6,2)



Corporate Opinion:


Spoken Language(s):

American English, Russian, Chinese

Marital Status:




Medical History:

2177 - Outer-Planetary crash landing of the [REDACTED] after colliding with the [REDACTED]

2177 - Rope burn to hands after sliding down 80 meters

2177 - Exposure to high radiation equivalent to 100,000 μSv

2177 - Multiple gunshot wounds and grazes

(All were before service)

Basic Military Information

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Full Name: Grayson Hunt

Rank: Sergeant (Fireteam Leader), E5

Current Assignment: USS Almayer, Charlie Squad.

Misc Information:

Found in an escape pod not classified by USCM, UPP, or TWE designations. Only markings on it were ‘#77 C.O.P - U#Y##ES’ as multiple letters has the paint scratched off thru air resistance upon re-entry.

Immediately recruited for previous military experience as a CW5 in the [REDACTED] on the [REDACTED] before the [REDACTED] incident on planet Stygia.

Handler is Commander Salvador Kepplinger

Crash Landing Investigation

On March of 2178 an escape pod crashed on the surface of one of LV-1413 around 12 kilometers away from site Solaris Ridge where the radar picked it up.

Upon investigation a small detachment of USCM led by Salvador Kepplinger found a spherical escape pod. Upon approach a man kicked it open from the inside and jumped out.

He was immediately ordered to the ground as he was heavily armed and armored. Upon searching the man three things were found:

An unknown military patch labeled ‘Dead Echo’

A pair of fingerless gloves with a device on it

And a set of black SOF armor unknown by any faction operating in the known sector

Upon using the device a USCM officer accidentally threw a soldier across the room with a flick of his wrist, the device is now missing and no attempts at retrieval have succeeded.

All items have either been destroyed or have gone missing, reason: Unknown

Case Sensitivity: Classified