[Ven's] Carrier Strain - Mutator

Name: Carrier Strain - Mutator
Desc: You loose abilities of making Resin Hole, Ability to carry eggs and Decreased amount of Huggers you can carry in exchange for new set of abilities: Now you can create “Mutated” variant of facehuggers and switch them with your ability, now you aquire Mutated Sticky Facehugger, Mutated Neurotoxin Facehugger and Mutated Embryo Facehugger, Mutated Embryo Larva can be called by “Call Larva”, if you call it 3 times it will explode inside marine dealing internal damage, Now throwing most types of facehuggers directly at enemy make them explode.


Mutated Sticky Facehugger:

When it Die - It will create pool 3x3 of “weak sticky resin” (similar to gardener) for 45 seconds.
When Hit Directly by Carrier Throw - On impact it will create pool 3x3 of “weak sticky resin” but marine who got hit will get their movement speed reduced by 80% for 10 seconds. (other marines can help by “shaking up” marine, every shake will reduce it by 5%, max 60% reduction, require shake 12 times)
When it
When it Hugs - It will cause marine to get injecter with sticky resin, it will cause marine to slowly “suffocate” and be unable to create any vocal sounds.

Mutated Neurotoxin Facehugger:

When it Die - Create small cloud of neurotoxin in shape “◇” 5x5 or “□” 3x3 if 5x5 is too strong. (can be used as “smokescreen”)
When Hit Directly by Carrier Throw - It will create cloud of neurotoxin, it will be more potent because it hit them directly with gas, effects are similar to boiler neurotoxin.
When it Hugs - It will paralise you for 15 seconds, you will be unable to move or be “shaken” by your teammates, if you allow to get hugged by it near xenos, its death sentence for you.

Mutated Embryo Facehugger:
It behaves similar to normal facehuggers.

When it Die - It will die like normal hugger
When Hit Directly by Carrier Throw - Nothing will happend
When it Hugs - Inject “Mutated” Larva Embryo, this embryo is unable to hatch to larva, but instead it is deadly, every time it is called by “Call Larva”, it will increase in stage (they will have infected larva icon), every stage higher will alert marines with unusual information, on Stage 1: “You feel something inside you”, on stage 2: “You feel very uncomfortable”, on Stage 3: “You feel something Twitching inside of you” on final stage 4, you will get notification: “You feel like something pop inside of you!” and you will start getting burn damage to whole body until you pass out from pain/damage or get treated. (it can cause internal damage)




If you don’t make it explode, it will die after 60 seconds and cause burning damage to chest depending on stage it was before dying.

Call Larva ability:
“Call Larva” can be used to “activate” Mutated Larva Embryo in marines, you have 60 seconds to call embryo 3 times before embryo will die out, this ability have cooldown of 10 seconds, it can be used on normal larva to help carrier capture person, if casted on normal larva inside host it will cause it to move with make target to faint from pain for 6 seconds. (can be kind-of countered by strong painkiller meds just 3seconds instead of 6seconds).

Strain summary:


  • Ability To Create New Huggers called “Mutated Huggers” for 75 plasma every 10 seconds. (can be increased to 15s if they can convert huggers)
  • Ability to choose facehugger type: Mutated Sticky Facehugger, Mutated Neurotoxin Facehugger, Mutated Facehugger.
  • Throwing Facehuggers Directly at Enemy make them “explode on impact”
  • Ability to Choose what type of facehugger you want to use/throw
  • Ability to cast “Call Larva”
  • Can Convert Normal Huggers to Mutated variant with new ability. *(this one is optional, it can not be introduced so it nerf the whole strain for balance)


  • Lose Resin Hole.
  • Lose Ability to carry eggs.
  • Carried Huggers count decreased from 16 to 12.
  • Cannot Carry normal Huggers.

P.S. All this abilities times and stuff was created for carrier with cannot “convert” facehuggers, if they can, convert them, times can be longer or how long they can be activated can depend on person who will made this.

And don’t say its OP, because facehugger “AI” for jumping suck ass, so its nerf on its own, if you able to get someone hugged, it mean you are good at it.


I mean, i give you credit that your trying to bring over TGMC mechanics in a way that work here, but this still has some problems.

For example, trying to kill marines by hugging them with the embryo hugger. Wich seems to be just a normal hugger that cant infect stat wise. On TGMC it makes sense for such an ability where your main way of larva gain is corpses. But not so much if you need to keep them alive for larva gain.

And the big one, this would be a pretty large change for carriers gameplay loop. From Backline Support, to active combat support. And strains should at least somewhat keep the role intact. Not basicly change the cast to a diffrent cast.

when i tough about this strain, i was thinking about support, not as frontline attacker, and even if you use embryo hugger, you need get marine hugged first, and then cast ability 3 times to take effect (as description i typed above says) so its not so easy to activate it, and with hugger AI we actually have, getting someone hugged on range is hard.

this hugger is mostly on people who get hugged and they just ignore it, then its only time when this embryo is strong.

Of course you can try cast combo, but you have limited supply of hugger with take time to replenish. (if we remove optional option about “converting” huggers)

I believe this strain can be strong, but it require practice it, because i know how fast 12 huggers will run out.

(of course if someone ever make this strain, they can change some stuff in it)

Oh i still meant it would be support, just not in the backline but frontline support. Like the sentinal. That cast is bad as frontline attacker but great in activly supporting better frontline attackers like warriors.
Your strain seems also it would be a great support in active combat.

But as always, doesnt matter what what we think its used for, people will optimise the fun out of it.
So you always have to think of, what the optimal play for it would be. Because that is how most people will play it.

Still very nice job converting another servers idea fitting for ours.
Like the “Call Larva” ability is very smartly converted for CM.

acid runner:

I find acid runner to work fine for backline harassment, the acid is very useful for melting holes in fortifications and destroying turrets/supplies, and the increased health gives you more leniency in when you choose to disengage.
(And the slower speed makes it actually possible for me to hit my targets, so to me that’s a bonus)

“strains should try to somewhat keep the role intact”

acid runner mains are borderline frontal combat, backline utility (strong corrosive acid), DOT damage, and boiler tier AOE acid.

all for the price of not really being able to run all that fast, which is the main thing runners have, and not being able to look very far, which is the main reason runners are used as scouts

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You can also look at vampire, where it turns from one hit wonder pounce backline, to a frontline skrimisher, with as much backline potential as a warrior.

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