Vitoras - Discord Ban Appeal

Discord Ban Appeal - Vitoras

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Total Ban Duration

One month (31 days, 744 hours, 44640 minutes)

Reason for Ban

Reason: Do not use slurs. Adding another word in front of a slur, doesn’t make it not a slur. Ban is temporary as this clearly wasn’t malicious, but come on.


Okay, if shortly - I had typed in a word “oldfag” in the context of a group of old Delta mains potentially gathering within one round just in order to pay respect to their glory days and all that. I am not going argue if this word is a slur or not (for the sake of this conversation - it is), but what I am going to argue about is the duration of the ban. I was banned a DAY after the message containing this word was sent and without even a warning/conversation regarding the situation. Said word also wasn’t used maliciously or even with knowledge of what the “fag” part even means in the first place.
Regardless - I believe that a month-long ban for a non-offensive usage of a word that is not particularily treated as a slur, along with it most likely being my first discord “offense” ever… is just too much. Of course - I should’ve known better and will avoid sending slang words that could potentially somehow hurt anyone, but the current punishment is essentially ridiculous, all context considered.


Hi vitoras, thank you for your appeal.

The first thing I should explain is that we have a 0 tolerance policy on slurs - usually people are banned for a long time when they say them; and when they are called out and act completely unapological like you, the ban becomes extended.

I believe you have been on the internet and world long around to understand what the word “f*g” means.

After discussion we have chosen to deny this appeal as a team.

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Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting