voxalofblood - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - voxalofblood

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

Muriel K. Averdale

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?


Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Caretaker like, Essentially Obsessed with the Health and Wellbeing of other Marines when Kumi is in a more passive state / Outside of a Combat Mode or Zone.

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Kumi is one of the more so experimental form of synthetic production. Based on the forced emotions and personalities of some nurses, therapists and caretaking personnel making her capacity of emotions within her personality quite a large area. This according to the manufacturing pamphlet states that it may add a calming aura to them.

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I wish to be a Synthetic for the roleplay experience and experience of being a Synthetic overall, I’ve seen and heard that they can be quite a nice role to play as.

Why should I be whitelisted you may ask? The synthetic I am making is more so for a roleplay experience unless of course it is in a combat zone unlike 85% of synthetics I have seen who have gone down to the FOB just to rescue and act like a Field Doctor with a bit of extra skill and the capacity to not die within five seconds.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

I have no memorable experiences with a synthetic in my opinion the most I’ve had interactions was a small chitchat before they went to continue their duties.

The one thing I can say is the “most memorable” however is just a synthetic that was more so overly compliant and friendly towards me.

Synthetic Character Story:



I can somewhat build up most things and repair them as an Engineer but I am happy to learn on the go.


I can commit to Overwatch quite well, Leadership areas are not really needed in Synthetics due to the fact they may be unable to rally or assist marines in rallying to a point.


I am very experienced in Medical now that I have the handle on it, I was inexperienced before when I first went it but now I am ask experienced as a surgeon on it.


I am unfamiliar with Requisitions due to the factor theres always someone in Requisitions able to do the job, I can however learn it very quickly if need be, It seems rather simple.

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

There are a few instances where you can perform combat in but a main few are

  • No other marine is around and you get actively attacked by a threat that is within melee or suitable combative range and engage them with a melee weapon or your hands.
  • The threat is a xenomorph and a marine or your integrity is in immediate danger of being killed by that threat that you must attempt to scare it off.
  • There are unconscious marines nearby to you and the current medic or doctor is unable to fight any threats at the current time. (Example being on how I play with a handgun or the lack there of of one.)

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?

I have not been banned from CM

Are you currently banned from our Discord?

I am not currently banned.

Let us know why you were discord banned.

N/A Prior question answers this.

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

I just hope the reader here has a good time reading my application! Is all, I am not very good at wording stuff at times.


Hello there!
First of all, before we start, I would like to thank you for your interest in the synthetic WL!

First I would like to talk about your personality which is quite common and overused.
My suggestion to you about fixing that is to think about a movie character you like or a game character and take their personality, meaning the way they talk, the accent they use, and the way they behave with others, and translate it, not copy, but translate it in a way that it merges with your synthetic well.

Moving on to your quirk of being a caretaker, it is once again overused.
My advice here is to think about something you personally enjoy doing, a job, or a hobby and use it as a quirk for your synth.
A few examples would be a bartender, a detective, or even a researcher!

Second of all your story is way too short and doesn’t showcase your quirk well or your personality.
My suggestion is to at least have it 5 pages long and include at least one part where your synth showcases their quirk and as much dialog as possible between your synth and other humans or even other synths.

Third of all your skill answers are worrying me.
Not only do you not know requestion, which is a very easy and important skill to know as a synth
Your lack of explenation on what you can and can’t do doesn’t

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My primary issue in the application is that when I clicked done, I was more so used to a “Are you sure you want to send this” prompt because I usually end up clicking done when I forget to complete a certain part of the application, That resulted in the 30% completed story and not finishing up on the skills part.

So what im gonna do is have this app denied and refrain from attempting another for like three months until I learn everything.


you can withdraw the application aswell.
Its best to do that.

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How would I redraw it? I’ve not really messed with this much.

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You may signal to the synth senate or any of the moderator staff that you wish to withdraw your app if you don’t feel it will be accepted.
You can do so on the CM discord just dm any rank from the mentioned ranks and you would be good.
Withdrawing your app means you close your app on your own without it needing to wait to be denied which saves time on your part.

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Withdrawn on request.

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