–Begin Document–
Strain Designation: XX-121-ARC
Description: Xenomorph Species XX-121, following a stunning genetic mutation, a hive of XX-121 on planet LV-### seems to have developed the capacity to ‘resist’ hivemind pheromones. This has led to the creation of a rudimentary democratic system, wherein it was mutually agreed that no Queen (see Footnote #1) was to be evolved. Following this decision, all Larvae and most existing Xenomorph bioforms were re-evolved into 121;R ‘Runner’, which further differentiated into mostly Acid-Carrying subspecies R-C ‘Acid’. No further differences were noted between these specimen and other species previously documented.
Footnote #1 - Speculated to be a spontaneous decision representing the true ‘opinions’ of XX-121 specimen when granted anti-pheromone prophylaxis.
Incident Report
–Preface; Incident Report ##/##/2182/1-- (see Footnote #1)
Following the spontaneous corresponding evolution between most members of the hive, ground-penetrating scanners, originally intended for mining surveys detected a significant quantity of sulfurous & hydrochloric compounds seeping into a nearby underground lake. Later reports by marines confirm that a small construction next to the lake was a ‘gathering ground’ for the hive. It is presumed that here, meetings were held by the hive, since the hivemind was non-functional due to the lack of a psionic Queen acting as a relay. Immediately following this, a #######CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE 4;76####### detected a #######-76 engaging in combat with more than 12 specimen of the 121-ARC hive (see Footnote #2). After a protracted engagement involving the death of at least 2 specimen, the interloper was defeated, promptly ##################, causing significant tremors in the local caves.
Following this initial trial, which demonstrates the combat capability of such an independently-cooperating hive, United States Colonial Marines hailing from the USS Almayer deployed to the colony, following which automated contingency systems ############## were activated. Shortly after their deployment, the vast majority of the hive individually decided to rupture their bodies, causing multiple (see Footnote #3) large explosions of hyper-acidic compounds to cover nearby structures and marines. This led to the instant death of several marine personnel.
Following this mass-suicide, several vestiges of the hive were left on site, including non-R-C specimen and a limited amount of R-C, perhaps due to the lack of an organized communication system. The Marines promptly terminated all but one specimen, which has been recovered by task force #######-Nu and sent in cryostasis to research facility #########, Neroid Sector.
Footnote #1 - Details arrival & takeover of colony by XX-121 hive, pre-empting the genetic mutation believed to be caused by genetic drift following ‘hatching’ of several members of Interest Group 3;12;6 ‘Colonial Liberation Front’, causing a significant increase in anti-authority genetic inheritance.
Footnote #2 - This species is known to have limited ranged weaponry, hence it is believed that the Specimen were able to garner a significant amount of caustic compounds despite the absence of any pheromonal production amplification, later to be used against the USCM.
Engagement recorded by ################
Footnote #3 - Hive seems to have recognized lack of sufficiently sized bioforms (See 121;RV ‘Ravager’ & 121;CR ‘Crusher’) to fight back against an organized opponent. This seems to be some kind of ‘suicide-charge’.
Director ####-Nu: “We should work on further weaponizing this sub-species. Genome sequence is available in 121-ARC databank. Report findings to Head Researcher Davidson.”
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Researcher Jules: “Does anyone know if a corrupted strain of this subspecies has been developed yet? I feel like we could reason with a democratic hive better than another self-important Queen.”
→ Head Researcher Davidson: “I’ve had trouble interacting with their propensity towards ‘friendliness’, since it’s located on the same pseudo-chromosome as the mutation. It seems like it’s caused a frame shift, we’ll have to develop a whole new novel modification to corrupt this sub-species.”
Special Operative-RH1;Team##: “How did the marines’ armor face up against those acid compounds?”
→ Head Researcher Davidson: “I have no doubt that any kind of armor would be melted by the intensity the specimen produce.”
->-> Overseer-RH;Team##: “Davidson, don’t overstep your bounds here, you have no affiliation with RH. Hell, you shouldn’t even be able to read these comments, but we’ll allow it this time. Please research the effect of this acid on Compound-USCM-3, I’ve sent a shipment to your station.”
->->-> Head Researcher Davidson: “Sorry sir. I’ll get right to it.”
#J#O#H?"4!4N#: “funny acid runner hive” - This comment has been flagged for deletion.
->Admin: “How did this guy even get into our system? Is he an employee?”
->->Admin: “No idea. We’re working on it with the InfoSec team.”
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What did you guys think of this? It’s based off the funny acid runner round we just had (no admin event or intervention btw). First time writing a CM-Story.