Watch tower feedback.

Ok I think CM is saved with this one.

The good:

  • Gives IFF to marines meaning a lot more firepower can be utilized especially on defence. Very good for reinforcing static positions.
  • Prevents xenos from steamrolling the marines at round start. Makes attacks more prolonged. We hated 40 minute rounds anyway.
  • Will finally let me realise my x4 M4RA sniper dream.
  • Can be countered with boilers (and mass FF cluster OBs, reference round 25318).

the bad:

  • Pretty annoying for boilers when you have a scope. You can basically punish them as they fire their glob from 2-3 screens away. Not very easy to kill one unless there is more than one marines on the same target.
  • HPR on em is a monster. Do any stupid pushes with one of these bad boys on top as anything short of T3 and you will get mowed down in seconds.

While there are some changes in overall strength for the marines I cannot see this as broken and OP. I honestly think this will probably solve 1 hour rounds. The only thing I am concerned with is the maps with open ground. stack a few of these in one place and you get the fucking Maginot line probably. Will need to see more of it for that.


god i love marine dps stacking to annihilate any xeno (this is sarcasm, put down your pitchfork)


More IFF spam, my absolute hatred.


It’s not IFF, you just have to actually click on what you’re trying to shoot to hit it. So if you click a marine you’ll snipe them


Anything that lets you shoot over allies is a type of IFF in my opinion. But this one is better/worse since you can also now target xenoes behind their allies, albeit also shoot friendlies.


Was there only one round as crusher. that is way to little to give any input on. Slashing the towers reminds me of slashing apc/tank. And having two next each other made me wish xeno had auto slash. With two extra tile view, i sadly didn’t see a sadar tower. What worries me about the pr it does not just add one thing… it changes how ff work, it extend the view so it becomes offscreen for xenos.
Defenders cant even defend for boilers because of the arc?
Wish it was force it on for a week. Once marines find the best meta to use the towers im sure its fun days ahead.


marines dont need more rewards for static slop, more iff, more firepower. shit idea


I think they need some sort of protection against getting steamrolled and ended at 40-50 minutes. With adjustments this will do just fine.


there’s no point having crutches for steamroll rounds, the harder you try to prevent the occasional steamroll the worse it affects the rest of the game


You still shred cades from shooting over these.

If I was playing Bravo SL with these, I would forbade their construction simply because someone with a HPR on one of these would do more damage to cades than xenos ever could.

They are also expensive as shit, another reason I would not use them as bravo SL.

They look cool, but generally have a few issues right now, and I am also worried that they might be too overpowered in a FOB siege, if marines get the ability to shoot over cades without shredding them, while on the tower, as well as the other benefits they already get (I need to try a sniper on one of these, I bet they will be utterly broken).

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We do not need more PR’s encouraging marines to cade hug.

I appreciate the effort that went into this PR and I believe it is a good edition /if it weren’t for the fact that FOB hugging is too strong of a strategy already/.

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yeah it’s trash we don’t need more iff tools lol and we don’t need more aids like APC that just don’t fit in the gameplay and the mechanics.

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stupid pr

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I personally enjoy the new flavour to defensive fortifications we can build. The high cost in materials balances out the desire/need to build them especially considering the previous statement of more damage to cases due to misuse.

tl:dr, Marge Simpson quote,

(side edit: the xeno horde can cut down these towers especially when taking into account marine fear RP and a king using its stompers on the towers immediate area)


When i use charger ability it only say “We charge at the floor!” Does it even do damage? Might want to fix that if not

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Tried to build one in briefing and couldn’t, 0/10.

In all seriousness though I love the extra dimension of options this adds to defense-building, and it’s been a blessing for bravo


Yes what we all wanted was more static position gameplay!
Cool concept nice sprite and all but I don’t think it fits with normal CM gameplay, wouldn’t mind it if it was a Whiskey Outpost only thing though


even if it fails for HvX I am prop stealing this for HvH but as unbuildable prespawns for FOBs, and perhaps for objectives outside of FOB?


That would be a solid idea for HvH. Unlike HvX.

I think it has potential, since merging it means a potential nerf to cades. Plus, it is a HUGE material sink.

However, i don’t like how you can stack a bunch of players in the watchtower on the same tile. Makes no sense, iff on non-iff guns is op enough as is. Hpr should not be able to fire from tower either its busted.

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