Either allow welder packs to be refilled with water or add another backpack that’s full of water, for refilling fire extinguishers(or water bottles, why not).
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There are water backpacks in the hydroponics areas of research and the kitchen.
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Would be nice to revert that; even then, if you filled a pack with water before the change, it would not refill extinguishers.
Those water backpacks in hydro 1. can’t refill extinguishers 2. can’t extinguish fire or acid when they sprayded
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They are just big spray bottles. Not a portable water tank.
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synthetics currently have a water backpack.
it can be switched between firing water like an extinguisher, and shooting metal foam.
However, synths never run it for these reasons:
- it has no storage space despite being a backpack, and takes your backpack slot
- it costs 15 points (half of your total points) to buy in the experimental vendor.
Substituting the effect of (metal foam) grenades could also be dubious for the Whitelist, depending on how it is used, despite it being in the Synthetic vendor.
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