Overcome by events
I’m still confused, does this mean like, real life events? In game events? Or is it referring to Clairion becoming Manager after Biolock went back to his rabbit warren?
In this case it means that Clairion’s not being taken on as a mod because of other things that are happening. I am stepping down because of real life events
OBE stands for Order of the British Empire (or Officer of the British Empire), a type of knighhood and medal, the ruling monarch hands them out for all sorts of things, Ridley scott (the director of alien) has GBE, which is one of the types of knighthoods you can get.
Godspeed Gamer, your work as a staffer is appreciated and we await your return We wish you the best
Godspeed @Biolock. I will pray that your family and you will do well in the aftermath of the terrible fires in California. I pray to god almighty you have a home to return to and no family members have been lost in the inferno. If you are in need of assistance please do not hesitate to post a link to a gofund me. I will happily donate. Never let pride get in the way. You are an OG and one of the best. I wish you the best and if you do not return, I wish your family and you all the best in life. Who is going to carry that weight? o7, See you around Space Cowboy
@Clairion. You Dutch madlad. Glad to have you back. We missed you. Somehow you earned the Order of the British Empire. I guess this was the compromise of your complaint to the Hague. In all seriousness, I am glad to have you back.