What happened to all the goated researchers who did cool stuff?

All the OGs that turned into neverplayers: @SubjectD9341, @kiVts, Marco Ramis, @Nimiety , @Nivrak.

I remember when we used to make whiteflame and boilers would salt in Dchat after taking 180 damage every lifetick.
I remember when we made anti-xeno smoke and stalled forever cause xenos didn’t know they could use froots to get immunity.
I remember when we used regulating to make super soldiers with 900u of godstim with the cryo cells.

Now all there is left are bronze medal Tyrone wannabe stim rushers, research fell off.


We’re waiting for Research Rework Part Two: The Contract System. by kiVts · Pull Request #7023 · cmss13-devs/cmss13 · GitHub to make research great again.

Whiteflame is cool (and OP) but I haven’t memorized what code to punch in so that I don’t make Weakfuel:tm: which does nothing and wastes 60 points.

Anti-Xeno smoke requires you to both codedive to understand what it does, and then make the chem, and then find a flamer user to get it. And even once it is used, a marine can take 1 step into the smoke, inhale “Superfuel:tm:” and spend the next 5 defib lives dying of toxin damage because they inhaled 5-10u of the stuff (Not to mention that corrosive property can MELT YOUR HELMET).

Both regulating and cryo cells got nerfed (cryo cells now get used like, once every 5 rounds to treat a single IB). You can’t even reliably GET regulating despite it being a common property now.

Greenos either end in a betrayal or mutiny. I haven’t seen a proper “greenos deploy and save marines” round in so long.


We had to let them go. HR was receiving too many complaints.


You buffed NGN/ACR to give the stim spammers an alternative to godstims, the stim spammers adapted by throwing fits unless their stim has NGN10ACR10 in it too. Like cockroaches, they survive, multiply, and outcompete.

The minimum for a ‘decent’ stim is up to 70 points now, it’s over.


Simply convince the meta stimmers to switch over to anti xeno gas and whiteflame for a little variety. If only you could buy flamers with biomass…

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There are ways to minimize the FF, you can add cryo metabolizing to basically make it so the chem doesn’t affect inside the marine’s body, though touch effects such as helmet melting will still apply


They simply got drafted into the shadowcouncil. We don’t talk about it.

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I’m mostly playing researcher survivor, xenomorph and marine these days. I hop on research from time to time but different times than you.

I recently made a cool hive greeno hive that saved the day :smiling_face:


If researchers stopped with their insane obsession for perfect godstims, marines would win every round because they’d get decent stims in an actually useful timeframe


Why did that never happen when I was CE and forced to be A CO?

This is cause every time someone wins the greeno queen lottery the guy on the CO WL who’s supposed to “roleplay” just orders an unpromped brainless extermination for no reason and a dozen ungaloids blow the doors down and shred you before you can even say “hi”.

Last week I got greeno queen and actually saved marines though! Only cause research (I think it was Tyrone) was unfathomably based and immediately infected like 10 monkeys, which gave the hive enough to mature to strength just in time for hijack.

I adopted marines into my hive, killed the normal queen, then adopted the surrendering primes into my hive. For a brief glimmer, a magical instant, there was peace, three factions coexisting, united as one. Then the OT primed a nade and tried to kill the normal xenos, all hell broke loose…

Honestly if you don’t want greenos to betray you for no reason, just show some good faith. When I grew from immature to prime empress all the humans around me just started saluting and I was like…well fuck, guess I’m the CO now. Greenos are human players, any decent human can’t betray people in cold blood when they put trust in them.

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I’ve been BEd for making greenos every time I made greenos it feels like. Even if XO authorizes them - 5 mins later the CO can come kicking, screaming, flipping tables off, squeezing his nipples in pure anger, and blast everyone in research with mateba. They are the protags, while you (and your greenos) are props, so shut up and mix Godstim mk100500

I remember one time admins spawned 1-2 greenos as a mini-event for the research, and CO just came in with his MPs and blasted poor things into oblivion. Why? Because fuck you

This kind of disrespect is why I:

  • No longer play research
  • Hate all CIC and MP players

There are a lot of good people in CIC, or humans in general that are chill or fun to roleplay with

But you’re right it feels like way too common of an occurrence, especially from people who applied for a WL to do “roleplay” just to skip out on a prime roleplay opportunity.
But hey I’m a xeno main who am I to tell people how to rp

Also if you make greenos make a shitload so the hive actually has power; often hives will protect the researcher if nothing else when marines turn on them for no reason lol

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I always approve purpleos, errr greenos. Love researchers that attempt to grow them, always good roleplay fun.

But not gonna lie I don’t blame any command player for straight up denying/executing greenos on the spot because you can only get betrayed so many times before you just say “fuck this” 9/10 times greenos will betray even when it makes no sense for them to do so. Sure there are cases where a command player’s personality is just straight up against it or the CMP causes some issues, but honestly greeno betrayal is a meme for a reason. Can’t really blame command players for this hardened stance, it didn’t come out of no where. Lots of bald xeno players end up on greeno Queen who are more or less clueless about roleplay and just want to kill marines no matter the situation or researcher roleplay.

But ya I personally love the roleplay that comes out of greeno research.


When we had a palatine xeno spawned in research by Forest for some minor research RP event, we had a CO entirely hijack the event by forbidding us the researchers from ever trying to interact/study it and by stationing 5 MPs in the containment chambers.

That round was so ass it really made me dislike most COs.


@SubjectD9341 I have always had good interactions with him regardless of outcome. Even when losing he held RP to the highest standard.

P.S. Jean is the man. You can meet me in the Walmart parking lot if you disagree.


I think it was Jean I saw once that managed to do blind embryo extraction surgery on a hugged marine. The dude had been hugged by a greeno accidentally, and with the guidance of the corrupt empress telling him when the larva would be born he somehow managed to save both the marine and the larva it was fucking insane


they were fired for being racist


so i do have a suggestions for this to kinda make the greenos more dependent on the researchers, why not use something like the addiction chem, granted i dont know if that specific chem affects xenos

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I love how this turned into a CIC hate thread, but anyhow.
Personally as someone who dumped 60 hours in research(still noob) - I dislike making stims, its too much of a hassle to get everything going in a good timeframe, and then have to pray marines are actually not braindead and use them properly, scoring 20+ killstreaks of lessers while fortnite dancing on the queen after every screech.
Greenos however are way easier to make if you have the basic stuff, genuinely dont need much input to get growing, you just need to make sure the Queen is on the same page. Worst case scenario you have to pledge your life and allegiance to the hive, but eh why not?


I think every single plasma from high-ranking xenos that isnt acid has addicting properties, so I am pretty sure addicting works differently from xenos, OR they just dont suffer drawbacks.
Either way, greenos SHOULD be made more dependent on research. Give researchers a way to make 5k biomass into a monkey cube or something, if we are cutting points from the machine in the planned update. Ciphering and other “god properties” are gonna become so rare that people PROBABLY wouldnt want to save billions of points every game just to have a chance to spend them on greeno growing.

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