What Happened to fun Gimmick COs

How long ago did you contact them?

Kind of crappy to not even respond with a “no”

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there is such a huge difference in how much more marines are willing to sacrifice for a CO like Juro than some other, more ‘realistic’ ones. the marines do really just need a hero to rally around and the quirky COs were a beacon of light when it came to that honestly


A gimmick or quirk is all well and good, until you’ve had to replay the same thing for weeks and months in a row.

This was absolutely my experience. Throw in whatever accent or gimmick you want, but like . . . most classic COs would have just made for notable squad mates or passable SLs. For a long while, whitelists were all flair and no actual substance. I can’t even begin to try and imagine how many times a round started-off with a lot of energy and playing-along with a gimmick, before it led to real confusing briefing/deployment where people were wondering if the CO literally meant “ditch your armor and uniform and deploy in shorts”, before either their lel funneh orders and/or personally spearheading the charge got most of the on-the-ground command and power units wiped out and all we had to comfort ourselves for the next four hours of slog was a lame joke.

It’s by that same merit that “safer” commanders like Xavier Hart never really got much attention because there’s not much to note about effective orders and quality communication that finishes a round in an hour because it was planned well.

With standards and practices you are guaranteed a bland, mediocre product that no one can relate to!

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I’d consider effective orders and quality communication for sub hour rounds a gimmick in and of itself - the bland, unmemorable legions of COs rarely do that or I’d have some respect for em.


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90% of the most memorable and fun interactions for me in this game were with people who were doing some sort of gimmick. In my last round, I was a warden having to take care of a nurse who was declared insane because she was doing a gimmick where she acted like a 5-year-old “playing nurse” and calling stuff “totes uncool”. I remember that character. What I don’t remember is CO or XO John Smith who does the 2 squad Hydro to beach on LV-624. Were they competent, did we win the round? I don’t know, because I don’t remember them. But I do remember Windhealer, scalping the Xendigos and leading the Marines to victory, and it was fun.


An eye opener for me regarding Juro was moving to a place with a large Asian diaspora and interacting with them.

A lot of Asian immigrants who don’t have English as their native language actually fucking talk like that.

Was his exaggerated to the point of absurdity? Yea, a bit, but it just reminded me of someone who once told me every stereotype has a seed of truth in them.


Playing a character with an accent is now racist :skull:


like I’ve said, next they’ll target Pidgin, Germanic, or Iro-Scots next. soon everything will require proper spelling as if phonemes didn’t exist. I imagine they’ll even start making us put “u”'s in spelling like the Euros do.


Ah yes, the old discussion on “how serious should RP be?”.
If people should be ok to rp as silly characters or if there should be a more realistic aproach to RP.
I like to give my two cents with a little story from one of our “recent” rp events we had.

Some migth rememeber the little greenshift round we had a bit ago where XO and CO where against each other and people basicly had to chose a side in it. Some migth even remember that a lot of marines didnt do anything because they been orderd not to and just sat around the whole round. Wich made the whole Event rather a flop. The reason why that happend was because an SO pulled bravo, charlie, and delta SLs from the CIC and basicly told them to ignore the event and dont side with either XO nor CO. Resulting in a lot of marines in those squads to fiddel with there thumbs. Except alpha who imidiatly went full riot mode.

Yes the twist is obvious, i was that SO. I activly faugth against people ingaging in the RP event. Not because i didnt want people to have fun, but because i thought “realisticly, a high ranking officer should try to protect there soldiers from killing each other”. I went and rather did it realisticly then tying in a way where people have fun. Could i have done it realisticly but in a more fun way? Yes definitly, after the round i had the thougth i could have tryd and created a third side against both XO and CO. Basicly like CLF. But it doesnt matter what i could have done, because what i did was a very bland and purly realistic RP of military personal. A bit of spice with being attachted to the crew, but not enough spice.

This is why too restrictive RP is bad for the game. The moment you put realism over fun, is where you lose people that play something other then farm simulator. Realistic has a time and place, and thats certainly not a main priorty in a silly space men game. But, its also rigth that if people only do a one trick for there silly character its gonna get stale real fast. Problem is, EVERYTHING gets stale. Yes, even serious CO number 145. Wich is also a one trick RP character. Dont complain about characters being one trick, if the rules your defending force people to be one trick ponys.

So, how could this be fixed? Easy, change the rules. WLs are already on a very high RP standart. You complain about silly WLs being stale after 3 rounds? You can change the rules to allow silly characters, as long as they are well tougth out. Heck, activly promote for people to do fun gimmicks. Espacially in High positions. The WL roles should represent what fun and engaging RP can be, not how the most basic version of it would look like. COs are often the most prominent roles in rounds, so let them show what RP could be. All White List roles can have that impact really. Allow WLs to “inspire” people to put some more effort into their RP as well. Its more fun to RP if others are doing it as well after all. Like the Dog synth. Is it realistic? Fuck no. Is everyone incredibly happy when they see it? God yes. But they are still properly acting under synth rules, and it can be argued that it would be perfectly possibel for them to exist in lore. And even the serious general can be done in a fun way. But the problem is its often isnt. Most COs act the same. And i dont think the rules fully restrict people to do interesting characters, but i highly doubt they promote to do something diffrent then the other COs in any way.

What i want to make clear is that i am not saying “no realistic RP at all”. I am for both realistic RP and silly RP. If BOTH are handelt well.

More then just 2 cents but thats my opnion on the matter.
Sorry this is so much, this is something i been thinking about since said event.


  • Yes, gimmick COs can get stale. So can pure military RP COs.
  • Change the rules to allow Silly Characters as long as they implement it well.
  • Golden standart for silly yet serious RP should be the dog synth, whos name i forgot.
  • And finally, sorry i kinda ruined the last greenshift round with the XO vs CO event(think it was the last, maybe i missed one or two).

“I fucked up this event and that’s why realism is bad”

rare admin fuckabout events and realism arent disqualifications for memorable COs. save strawmen for stocking stuffing or winter fire starters.


Bro, i just used this as an exampel as what to hard realism can cause. Thats litterally in the sentence directly after your first quote.
Im sorry i messed that round up that much, i rarly touched SO after that for a reason. And im sorry if i ruined that round for you, i really didnt mean to. I was just bad at RP.

Honestly, staff is probably filled with overzealous white people :man_shrugging:


I can understand the reasoning but Juro, Dinkle, Windhealer, all legends. They had a gimmick and played it well. It is a damn shame. They brought energy and humor to rounds while being within what I consider to be acceptable guidelines. In my humble opinion, the game is lesser by the lack of CO’s with gimmicks.

Now, all within reason.


Alas for something to be original it has to be outside the bounds of what is usually done.

That grey area is where admins lurk to grab you


Over a month now

I have no issue with Commanders with whom English is not their first language. My only issue with one Commander was that all of their announcements had Asian character symbols take up literally half of the chat log every single time, and those were usually copy+pasted.

Pretty sure Juro never did shit like that lmao