Pretty self explanatory. We all know I have a fuckton of Stephen Lewises. What’s your favorite one?
What do you think of my characters Stephen Lewis? Or do you not know them at all?
I sure do love the W-Y Director one.
hey guys this is lou norton and this incident just happened involving stephen gamermaster lewis. I was enjoying Christmas dinner with my family when he walked into my house and demanded that I invite him in to eat. I reluctantly let him in as I feel bad, he then proceeds to eat all the food and leave none for anyone else. I was furious and couldnt believe he ruined my christmas dinner but it got worse! He then killed my dog and beat up my father, I then intervened and beat his ass. He then goes on a 20 minute rant in my living room about how i broke the law and and im a terrrible human being for ruining his christmas. Eventually he got in his 1992 Honda Accord and drove off and I havent heard from him since. My family is traumatized from this event and we want to spread the word so you can stay safe!
Wouldn’t know, I’ve never seen any of them since he joined the staff team
I heard a myth that there’s actually a competent Stephen Lewis out there somewhere. Is there any truth to this?
Neither, I hate all of em’ (equally)
The one that gives me my bonuses and hazard pay when I handle a Xeno outbreak.
The one Director Lewis that failed to BE a person in the WY station as his CL, and a bunch of Goons stand awkwardly outside hearing the odd heavy gunshot sounds from time to time.
No it’s false and i believe you should delimb stephen lewis variants more often.
Absolutely the one that keeps hitting my immortal ghost forehead with his rusty mateba whenever I make a joke in the Thunderdome.
Damn he went right for the throat huh
my favourite one is the one that gave me an executive cigarette on my first MP game
I mean, there’s no brains to go for so yeah. The throat was the logical target to hit.
This man does not play Cl. Absolute failure.
i dont have a favorite i HATE stephen lewis… such a corporate nerd
Nah he’s not smart enough to be a nerd.
I don’t like the Stephen Lewis who keeps painting xenos and gaslighting me with them, I think they should be perma cbanned
The Stephen Lewis who puts 0.1u of ultrazine into chocolate bars and leaves them in prep to turn people into shells of their former selves one tick later is cool though, I want to marry that guy